Teaching from a place of respect, equity, and compassion

Today, my Centre for Teaching and Learning published this statement as the lead item in our monthly newsletter.

Teaching from a place of respect,
equity, and compassion

In light of recent world events, I want to assure our community that the resources coming from the Centre for Teaching and Learning will always come from a place of respect, equity, and compassion.

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ART THERAPY: We All Wear a Mask

One of the innovative projects I am pleased to work on this year involves a collaboration between myself, another counselling colleague and our art teacher.

BCHS Spectrum Club’s mission is to bring people together and spread a message of love and acceptance.

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The hardest part of teaching?

Today was the faculty and staff Welcome Back BBQ at UBC Okanagan. My Centre for Teaching and Learning had an information table among 25 or so other campus organizations. Always on the lookout to inject a little interaction and teaching and learning, I set up a laptop and i>clicker gear to survey my new colleagues about teaching:

Survey question: What do you think is the hardest part of teaching? (photo: Peter Newbury)

Survey question: What do you think is the hardest part of teaching?

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Getting to know you

Every one of our students brings their own identity – age, gender, ability, language, ethnic background, orientation, experiences, knowledge, skills. You want to recognize and support and build on each student’s strengths but how do you support one student without accidentally alienating others?…

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Flip or flip not, there is no try to read Chapter 3 before class please pretty please

Every learner needs to build new concepts into their own pre-existing knowledge. That’s the constructivist model for teaching and learning and ultimately, I believe, the rationale and justification for active learning. Like I said on Twitter a few weeks ago,

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There Is An Artist In All Of Us


Three years ago I did not paint (not really paint)  and now thanks to my experiences in ETMOOC  , I have more confidence and find it one of the most rewarding , therapeutic experiences that I can imagine. I take mini courses and I watch lots of youtube videos to get tips.…

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Etmooc 3 Year Anniversary Celebration

On January 20th we celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the Open and Connected Learning Mooc (etmooc) and launched the Mario Couros Memorial Bursary.

Susan hosted the conversation on Zoom which was a new video conferencing program for most participants.…

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Etmooc’s Impact

The 3 year #etmooc anniversary celebration is tomorrow night and as I have been helping prepare for it I’ve been thinking about (and asking others about) #etmooc’s impact.

How can you measure the impact a learning experience has had, especially a connectivist experience?…

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Getting the most out of peer instruction

Peer instruction is a powerful, evidence-based instructional strategy that supports active learning in all sizes of classes. Typically in peer instruction, every 15-20 minutes,

  1. the instructor poses a conceptually challenging, multiple choice question
  2. students think about the question on their own and vote for one of the choices using some kind of audience response tool
  3. students turn to their neighbors and discuss the question and their answers
  4. students may vote a second time, depending on the nature of the question
  5. the instructor leads a class-wide discussion where students share their thinking, finishing with
  6. the instructor models expert-like thinking and confirms why the right answers are right and the wrong answers are wrong

This can take anywhere from 2 to 10 or more minutes, depending on the question, the answers, and the richness of the discussion.…

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Engagie EVERY student with a jigsaw

(This is a long, detailed post about creating and running a “jigsaw” activity. Mostly, I wrote it for myself before I forget all the details. Reinventing the wheel is bad enough – reinventing your own wheel is even worse!)

The other day, I ran a jigsaw activity in my teaching and learning course.…

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