Etmooc’s Impact

The 3 year #etmooc anniversary celebration is tomorrow night and as I have been helping prepare for it I’ve been thinking about (and asking others about) #etmooc’s impact.

How can you measure the impact a learning experience has had, especially a connectivist experience? How can I measure the people I’ve reached out to and mentored, or the opportunities I’ve taken advantage of because of how I was supported in etmooc?

I could count blog posts that I created during the course, or after, or ones tagged #etmooc (there are more than 3 pages). I could list collaborations with #etmooc alumni, like #oclmooc and #ds106 or what I have learned playing Twitter vs. Zombies. I could list 5 Things I Learned in 2013, argue that Open is an AttitudeThank Alec Couros, reflect after 1 year and reflect after 2 years.

I could discuss The Case of Etmooc during Connected Courses, or explore What Makes a cMooc Community Endure in Educational Media International. I could host the Anniversary Twitter chat and the 2nd Anniversary Twitter Chat.

Instead, I’ll get ready to host #etmooc alumni tomorrow night and repost my Final Etmooc 6 Word Story:

My Role as Educator & Digital Citizen

Connect, learn, teach

Share: fair + open


I stand by what I said in my Introduction to Etmooc: I can’t wait to see what is possible.


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