Getting to know you

Every one of our students brings their own identity – age, gender, ability, language, ethnic background, orientation, experiences, knowledge, skills. You want to recognize and support and build on each student’s strengths but how do you support one student without accidentally alienating others?…

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Online Learning Insight Panel

Call for Candidates

Announcement of Academic Partnerships Online Learning Insight Panel

AP is seeking 8-15 Volunteer Online Learning Advisors

Call for Candidates - AP Online Learning Insight Panel

Call for Candidates – AP Online Learning Insight Panel

Useful.  Innovative.

Since 2008, Academic Partnerships (AP) has helped numerous public universities launch and support online degree programs. 

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Silent on Twitter about my job search

I use Twitter. A lot. It’s my daily, hourly,…, continuous source of information, professional development, and support, and a place where I can give back to the communities that support me when I need it.

I advocate

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Quality Matters Monday: Standard 5.3

It’s Quality Matters Monday! Each Monday, we highlight a Quality Matters standard and review its importance in an online course and how we evaluate this

Today, we are reviewing Quality Matters Standards 5.3.

General Standard 5 addresses course activities and learner interaction to meet the learning objective goals.

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Unplugged goals and outcomes. #rhizo15

One of my learners comes to class and he tells me: “I’ve been thinking about the many of us, young professionals, willing to work for Google or Apple in Argentina. I saw a LinkedIn post where they shared that Google was recruiting employees, so I updated my CV and filled out an application, they emailed me back and I proudly attended a job interview to find myself in a crowd of hundreds.

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Open Education Week 2015

Open Education Week 2015

It is Open Education Week 2015 this week! In light of our focus on globalization and open courses, this is the perfect time to celebrate and learn more about open education. Join us as we engage in discussion and participate in various events that are taking place across the world.

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This I Believe: Blogging Transforms the English Classroom

About a half-dozen years ago, as an English teacher – a lover of reading and writing, my heart was breaking as my students seemed to be floating further away from my love of books and the craft of writing; I was getting older and feeling irrelevant in the world of my students – an annoying necessity of a class.…

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PD Conference Design

It’s no secret that the majority of PD conferences for educators tend to follow a “one size fits all” model that tries to make everyone happy. While fun, these conferences aren’t always the best use of educator time and money, and at least some of us think we can do better.…

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Let’s Design a School!

Crossposted at SlowchatED.

If you enjoy Twitter conversations on education and you’re not yet familiar with #slowchatED, I highly recommend having a look. Rather than juggling questions and answers at the breakneck pace of many popular discussions, the #slowchatED model offers the opportunity for conversations that may benefit from a little more reflection.

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