Online Learning Insight Panel

Call for Candidates

Announcement of Academic Partnerships Online Learning Insight Panel

AP is seeking 8-15 Volunteer Online Learning Advisors

Call for Candidates - AP Online Learning Insight Panel

Call for Candidates – AP Online Learning Insight Panel

Useful.  Innovative.

Since 2008, Academic Partnerships (AP) has helped numerous public universities launch and support online degree programs. 

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Teaching Presence and Facilitation

“Those teachers who are students of their own effects are the teachers who are the most influential in raising students’ achievement.”

~John Hattie

One of the largest influences on student satisfaction and/or success is a faculty member’s direct interaction with students during a course, whether provided asynchronously / synchronously or as individual / group communication.

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AP Faculty Research Grant Program Accepting Applications

Academic Partnerships (AP) has officially opened the application process for round one of its 2016 Faculty Research Grant Program to promote continued advancement in online learning best practices.

The program offers faculty or staff members from institutions working with AP-supported programs the opportunity to apply for grants to fund research that could promote understanding about the efficacy, efficiency and inherent value of online degree programs.

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Tech Tool Fatigue Syndrome (#TTFS): Do you have it?

Anyone involved in the field of educational technology has probably run across headlines like this: “7 Tools That Will Change Education” or “10 Educational Apps Every Teacher Should Have” – I see them on Twitter almost every day. In fact, I maintain an ever-growing spreadsheet to track interesting new education tools.

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Free Webinar: 12/15 at 2pm CDT

Webinar – December 15, at 2pm CST

Unlocking Possibilities: The Latest Research Findings in eLearning

3 Puzzle Pieces: The Career Ladder, Threaded Discussion and Video Feedback

Click here to Register.

Learn the latest research findings from three prominent online educators at 2 p.m.

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Academic Partnerships Appoints Jennifer L. Scott as Senior Vice President of Academic Services and Products

Veteran Online Education Expert to Lead Company’s Faculty Support
and Academic Innovation

DALLAS – Oct. 13, 2015 – Academic Partnerships (AP), a global provider of online services for higher education, announced today it has hired Jennifer Scott as senior vice president for Academic Services and Products.

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Faculty Spotlight: Sedef Smith, Randy Davis, and Carl Sheperis, Spring 2014 Recipients

Dr. Sedef Smith

Dr. Sedef Smith

Today, we are spotlighting Lamar University professors, Drs. Sedef U. Smith, Randy J. Davis, and Carl J. Sheperis. They were Spring 2014 Faculty Research Grant Recipients for their proposal, “Feedback plug-in application for Blackboard: The much needed tool for revolutionizing the assessment of students’ online discussion participation.”

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Faculty Spotlight: Daniel Sullivan and Sharon Watson, Spring 2014 Faculty Research Grant Recipients

Daniel Sullivan

Dr. Daniel Sullivan

Today, we are spotlighting University of Delaware professors, Daniel Sullivan and Sharon Watson. They were Spring 2014 Faculty Research Grant Recipients for their proposal, “Peer assessment within hybrid an online courses: Evaluating students’ view of its potential and performance.”

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Faculty Spotlight: Spring 2015 Faculty Research Grant Recipients, Part 4

Dr. Thillainatarajan Sivakumaran

Dr. Thillainatarajan Sivakumaran

Over the last few weeks, we have spotlighted the recipients of the Spring 2015 faculty Research grants. This is the last installment of these spotlights. Get to know these distinguished faculty members below!

Names: Thillainatarajan Sivakumaran, Ph.D., Holly Hall, J.D.,

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