Free Webinar: 12/15 at 2pm CDT

Webinar – December 15, at 2pm CST

Unlocking Possibilities: The Latest Research Findings in eLearning

3 Puzzle Pieces: The Career Ladder, Threaded Discussion and Video Feedback

Click here to Register.

Learn the latest research findings from three prominent online educators at 2 p.m.

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A Learner-Centered Syllabus Helps Set the Tone for Learning

By: Mary Bart

At its most basic level, the syllabus is used to communicate information about the course, the instructor, learning objectives, assignments, grading
policies, due dates, the university’s academic integrity statement, and, in some cases, an increasingly long list of strongly worded admonitions on what is
and isn’t acceptable behavior in the college classroom.

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What Fitness Bands Can Teach Us about Classroom Assessment

By: Karen S. Buchanan, EdD

A colleague of mine recently engaged with a new technology tool that has changed her life. She purchased and became a vigilant user of the fitness band.
This wristband tracks her movement and sleep. Although fitness bands are cool tech tools, their “magic” is rooted in the continuous feedback they provide
on one’s progress toward fitness goals determined by age, height/weight, and activity level.

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Using eLearning Templates: Top 9 Benefits For eLearning Professionals

We can all agree that a common worry of all eLearning professionals is to create highly engaging, interactive eLearning content and activities for their
learners. On top of that, saving eLearning course development time, reducing costs, and dealing with multiple members of the eLearning team with different
levels of expertise are only some of the hassles that affect eLearning professionals every day.

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Instructional Design for Mobile Learning (#IDML13) – Free Professional Development

This Micro-MOOC, Instructional Design for Mobile Learning, introduces participants to instructional design principles for teaching with mobile technology. Mobile technology is a growing and powerful trend: people now spend more time on mobile apps than they do on the web. Watch the Canvas Network page for more info and registration What opportunities does this powerful […]

The post Instructional Design for Mobile Learning (#IDML13) – Free Professional Development appeared first on Faculty eCommons.…

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Replenish your teaching toolbox: 6 Tools for enhancing learning

Research suggest that students retain knowledge best when they are actively involved in the learning process. Multimedia, Web 2.0 and Social Networking tools enable student-to-student and student-to-content communication that can improve knowledge through rapid publication, personalization, content sharing and creation. Using these tools can help with enhancing learning in online courses.…

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