A few years ago I posed about an interesting use of Google reverse image search:
And over the years I’ve read a good few posts about the tool on Alan’s blog (e.g. The Hidden Complexity of Attribution, Reverse Image Search ).…
A few years ago I posed about an interesting use of Google reverse image search:
And over the years I’ve read a good few posts about the tool on Alan’s blog (e.g. The Hidden Complexity of Attribution, Reverse Image Search ).…
maybe, in concert with an emphasis on making and collaborating and bug reporting and embracing other values of the open web, individuals can help reorient the cultural attitude toward technology away from entanglement and back to a place of enlightenment.
The Age of Entanglement – The Atlantic
Interesting Article.…
Note: I wrote this short blog post for the Jive Software community. It was subsequently picked by and republished by DZone. It’s my thinking on whether there is in fact some connection between personal learning networks (PLNs) and social business.…
So as part of the clmooc, I’ve decided to build my first app (I’m using Infinite Monkeys) and I chose Microsoft Paint as my subject. Why? Because in the ICT curriculum in Canada and the US, Grade 1 is where you start using Paint.…
“To address the most important issue first: there is no such thing as digital storytelling. There’s only storytelling in the digital age. . .Digital is not the difficult part in digital storytelling. Storytelling is.” ~ Jasper Visser
After developing and facilitating a digital storytelling exploratory course for middle schoolers for nine years, I am rejoicing in the fact that digital tools have been getting easier and easier to use.
Teach the Web has something for everyone who wants to get more closely involved with the Making and Learning Movements. #teachtheweb seeks to create an online space to connect, explore and make – and then ……
I have a confession to make. I’m … a Millennial. I grew up with the internet, I learned how to use AOL as a kid, I have had private email since I was ten years old, and I can maintain 4-5 separate chats like a boss.…
Before you read through this post try one thing: Google yourself. What do you see? Do you like what you see? For some of you that will have been an eye-opening experience for others you already knew what to expect.…
Time has flown by once again and #etmooc is coming to an end. When I first started to read the posts and tweets about the course ending, I thought, “Wait, already!? No, not yet!” I couldn’t believe we had reached the last week, which meant it was time for closing thoughts and reflections.…
I recently made this video and wanted to make sure and share the Popcornified version 🙂