What’s next for Laura?

TL;DR My last day at Mozilla already happened, but I’m still me. I bring together disparate things to foster learning, spread openness and design for participation. I’m a creative generalist who likes to make stuff, and I’m open to exploring opportunities.

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I’m Helping to #TeachTheWeb – Join Me!

Yesterday, I dove into a new MOOC called Teach the Web started by Mozilla and created by a Webmaker Mentor Community of people around the world who are determined and passionate about helping people be empowered to “CREATE the web, rather than just consume it.”…

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Making, Curating and Sharing Resources

Last year I started the /Teach wiki and filled it with a bunch of links out to resources, curriculum, descriptions and other useful tidbits of content designed to support the teaching of digital literacies and spread all over the web. The wiki became my own personal dumping ground to save resources authored by the budding Webmaker community.…

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Warning: Under Construction … for the next several years

What is #ETMOOC

Time has flown by once again and #etmooc is coming to an end. When I first started to read the posts and tweets about the course ending, I thought, “Wait, already!? No, not yet!” I couldn’t believe we had reached the last week, which meant it was time for closing thoughts and reflections.…

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The Dispossessed describes events on a alien moon and planet, the former occupied by banished anarchists, and the later inhabited by several Earth-like societies. The desert moon is rife with survival challenges, and bureaucratic structures to allocate resources (human and otherwise).…

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Examining Open Education

open lock

We Participate, Therefore We Are. ~ Brown & Adler

This past week, I had the chance to delve deeper into the idea of open education and open education resources (OER) thanks to both #ETMOOC and the #MediaLabCourse.

Before this week, I hadn’t spent much time considering the differences between “open” and “free” and the power they can bring to people around the world when they are combined together.…

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11 Free Tools to Boost Creativity in Online Assignments

If you’ve yet to explore new tools for your online courses, now’s a great time to start. We’ve peaked in on some neat tools in these categories: Storytellers and Image Editors, Open Software Suites, Video and Movie Makers, and Audio Editors.…

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#etmooc: A Midterm Review of Connectivity, Collaboration, and Learning

With massive open online courses (MOOCs) at the center of hype, overhype, and plenty of justifiable criticism, a midterm review of one—the highly interactive Educational Technology and Media MOOC (#etmooc, organized by University of Regina professor of educational technology and media Alec Couros and others)—shows what a well-designed and well-facilitated MOOC can offer to learners with the digital literacy skills required to benefit from them.…

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#etmooc Digital Story Telling Experiment: Animated GIF!

I haven’t ventured into creating my own content for an animated gif just yet (I’m still tossing around ideas), but I thought I’d try making a gif of an awesome video with music by the Zurich Chamber Orchestra.

I love this video because of how perfectly the staff syncs with the music and how the animators chose to highlight the drama of the music with the intensity of the rollercoaster.

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