Sometimes I feel like an octopus with many arms reaching out to all sorts of subjects that interest me. As a result, I have participated in several types of independent learning environments, including makerspaces, project nights, and informal classes, as well as more formal classes taught through an accredited institution.…
Author Archives: rfboyce
The Dispossessed describes events on a alien moon and planet, the former occupied by banished anarchists, and the later inhabited by several Earth-like societies. The desert moon is rife with survival challenges, and bureaucratic structures to allocate resources (human and otherwise).…
…The major aspect [of kitchen math] is not the failure of School but the success of people who had developed their own methods for solving such problems – not what School failed to convey to them but what they constructed for themselves.
a scaffold of books
In utero, I had my first encounter with my Object of Learning. Sitting in a rocking chair that belonged to her mother before her, my mom would read aloud from her class notes, book propped up on her belly. These first intimate encounters with knowledge are lost to me, except in some dark and primal reaction to the sound of my mother’s voice, rhythmically following the cadence of an unknown author’s thoughts.…
there’s a MOOC for that
once you start MOOCing you just can’t stop.
I had a great time connecting with folks from #etmooc – I especially enjoyed the synchronous blackboard sessions. Having never participated in an interactive online classroom before, it was a surreal experience to watch a presenters respond in real time to what I, a faceless student, scrawled on the blackboard slides.…
My heart palpitated – everything I understood about data-driven decision-making and unbiased quantitative surveys was being thrown in my metaphorical face. My mind raced to produce a pithy argument but instead I opted to wait, and listen to my peers.
This was the scene in my office, a couple of days ago, as I participated in a Blackboard session about rhizomatic learning. …
contributions and connections
We stared at each other over steaming mugs of tea, fresh brewed, tangy tangerine aroma filling the space between us. Vicky and I were sitting in a friend’s kitchen, ruminating about our respective interests and lives after Sunday brunch. I had turned the conversation toward my pet subject, connectivism, and attempted to explain how technology was revolutionizing the world of education.…
learning 4 lyfe!
I’ve sifted through bits and pieces of the #etmooc universe, sporadically over the last couple of days. I managed to miss all of the synchronous sessions this week – but next week I will fully jack in to the flow of the #etmooc learning network.…
First post
I’ve started this blog as a way to participate in the #etmooc conversation over the next couple of months, and beyond. More soon!…