The Dispossessed describes events on a alien moon and planet, the former occupied by banished anarchists, and the later inhabited by several Earth-like societies. The desert moon is rife with survival challenges, and bureaucratic structures to allocate resources (human and otherwise).…
Tag Archives: medialabcourse
Examining Open Education
This past week, I had the chance to delve deeper into the idea of open education and open education resources (OER) thanks to both #ETMOOC and the #MediaLabCourse.
Before this week, I hadn’t spent much time considering the differences between “open” and “free” and the power they can bring to people around the world when they are combined together.…
…The major aspect [of kitchen math] is not the failure of School but the success of people who had developed their own methods for solving such problems – not what School failed to convey to them but what they constructed for themselves.
a scaffold of books
In utero, I had my first encounter with my Object of Learning. Sitting in a rocking chair that belonged to her mother before her, my mom would read aloud from her class notes, book propped up on her belly. These first intimate encounters with knowledge are lost to me, except in some dark and primal reaction to the sound of my mother’s voice, rhythmically following the cadence of an unknown author’s thoughts.…
My Childhood "Gears"
Seymour Papert’s “Gears of My Childhood”, the foreword to his book Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas, serves as our first LCL activity to share. Briefly, Papert reflects back on his love of mechanical gears, viewing them as an adaptive model onto which he was able to overlay new and potentially difficult concepts in a familiar way.…
Thoughts on Interest-Based Learning
Our second session assignments for the MIT Medial Labs Learning Creative Learning MOOC is to, in part, read through some of +Joichi Ito‘s blog posts on learning and respond with our own thoughts about what we found most surprising or interesting, and offer disagreements or questions, should we have any. …
On MOOCs and Learning
ETMOOC is the second MOOC I’ve joined in as many weeks (MIT’s Learning Creative Learning being the first). I like that they use small pieces, loosely joined, like blogs, Google+, and Twitter. Sometimes the stream on information can seem overwhelming.…
Learning Like a Kindergarten Student
This post combines two Mooc’s. At #etmooc we are discussing digital storytelling, and the other Mooc I am participating in is the MITMedialab course on creative learning, which began with the concept of kindergarten learning. So over the last week I have been using the kindergarten approach to learning, in order to come up with the best way to tell a story about my son and his experiences at kindergarten.…
there’s a MOOC for that
once you start MOOCing you just can’t stop.
I had a great time connecting with folks from #etmooc – I especially enjoyed the synchronous blackboard sessions. Having never participated in an interactive online classroom before, it was a surreal experience to watch a presenters respond in real time to what I, a faceless student, scrawled on the blackboard slides.…
Content vs. Creation in the Classroom
Socrates |
I remember an undergraduate survey, when I was a TA in grad school, asking them what they thought made a TA great, in their opinion. To my surprise, it wasn’t how much their TA loved what they taught or how dynamic their classrooms were that mattered most, but rather how well they knew their subject matter. …