Liquid Networks and the Adjacent Possible

At ISTE this past June, I picked up Steven Johnson’s Where Good Ideas Come From (reading notes here) and, after his fantastic keynote address, looked forward to reading it. After just finishing it, the book didn’t disappoint, leaving me with quite a bit to think about on the verge of beginning a new academic year.…

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A Love of Language

I love the Oxford English Dictionary. I am not ashamed to admit it. I considered asking for it as a college graduation present (although I considered a car more useful). It lays bare the definitions and history of English words in all their etymological glory.…

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Let’s expand upon the idea of providing digital playlists. [Christian]

From DSC:, an excellent resource, now uses digital playlists.

Here’s an idea.  How about, in the future, students will be able to run through a series of digital playlists:

  • Focusing on a particular topic and/or a course from:
    • A particular college or university
    • A consortium of colleges and universities
    • A group of approved subject matter experts

If and when a person gets stumped — and the artificial intelligence has reached the end of its usefulness — provide a way for that student to connect with a TA, a professor, the subject matter expert, and/or with other students.…

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Digital Literacy Definitions Are Neither True Nor False…

Words can be slippery.

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On MOOCs and Learning

ETMOOC is the second MOOC I’ve joined in as many weeks (MIT’s Learning Creative Learning being the first). I like that they use small pieces, loosely joined, like blogs, Google+, and Twitter. Sometimes the stream on information can seem overwhelming.…

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Walking the Talk

I think one of the reasons I joined etmooc was to force myself to “walk the talk.” I give workshops to teachers – one of which is on digital storytelling. I know about the power of story and encourage teachers to help their students to become more powerful storytellers.…

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What to do with Demotivated Young Learners – an #ELTChat summary

I have always wanted to write one of these summaries for the selfish reason that I was certain that this is the best way to have a really good grasp of the width and depth of the conversation. 140-character, abbreviations-ridden tweets fired at an amazing speed always left me feeling somewhat slow.…

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Kickstarting the Classroom

I have an addiction – It is called Kickstarter!

Kickstarter is a crowd funding website, which allows people to fund projects of creativity.  It provides a platform for people to promote their ideas and facilitates the collection of funding.

When you first visit the site there are thousands of creative projects looking for funding ranging from documentaries, art exhibitions and technology to fashion, games and films – plenty of creative projects for everyone’s interests.  …

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Here we go – again (inspired by ASI2011) 1EME#1

In the inspiration that is ASI2011 (Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning) @ABEL learning annual conference
ASI2011 home I’ve decided to start blogging again. 
What about? Well, about teaching, education, ideas to engage students, projects, and am looking to get other to contribute and add ideas as well. 

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