Discourse: A New Open Sourced Web Forum Platform

I wonder about the need for a new web forum platform when you have the ability to do this within social media, but I think the idea of a forum built with Ruby on Rails is compelling. It is definitely a step up from forums that are still dogged by legacy issues.…

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TALONS Panel: Open High School Learning

I had the great pleasure this morning to speak with TALONS alumni Liam St. Louis, Jonathan Toews, Clayton Dowdell, Megan Edmunds, Zoe Fajber and Iris Hung (along with Verena Roberts & the #ETMOOC crowd via Google Hangout) about the experiments and experiences in Open Learning we’ve embarked on in their four years at Gleneagle.

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Making the Learning Visible: TALONS on the American Revolution

Initial Questions about the American Revolution
Questions after reading homework from 2011

As part reflection on a statement made during the introductory session of Alec Couros#ETMOOC, and part synthesis of the TALONS introductory blogging and commenting on the American Revolution, I wanted to highlight some of the recent dialogue and discussion going on in the TALONS classroom these last few days.…

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What to do with Demotivated Young Learners – an #ELTChat summary

I have always wanted to write one of these summaries for the selfish reason that I was certain that this is the best way to have a really good grasp of the width and depth of the conversation. 140-character, abbreviations-ridden tweets fired at an amazing speed always left me feeling somewhat slow.…

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Future directions

Recently the  Department of Education and Early Childhood (DEECD) outlined its plan for reforming education in Victoria, Australia. The document, which you can read here, describes the vision for future education in Victoria and is open for discussion until September.…

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