Discourse: A New Open Sourced Web Forum Platform

I wonder about the need for a new web forum platform when you have the ability to do this within social media, but I think the idea of a forum built with Ruby on Rails is compelling. It is definitely a step up from forums that are still dogged by legacy issues.…

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My Twitter PLN – 7 (or 8) Hashtag Connections

Connecting with educational leaders around the world is so incredibly easy via Twitter. I love how many opportunities there are to have conversations about literally any topic, at any time of day or night. Whether I’ve “lurked” in chat sessions … Continue reading

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Re-entering #etmooc and re-orienting

Absent a while from #etmooc, I jumped back in yesterday with no apology for missing class. I took note of Rhoni McFarlane’s posting about her own absence. McFarlane explains in a blog post how she missed the digital storytelling topic in #etmooc.…

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