Hot GIF Kool-Aid’s Ready! Drink Up!

GIFing and ds106 has changed my life forever! Last week in the cult, I mixed up some sweet GIF kool-aid, and served it to other cult members! Fascinated with the concept of the GIF, I called on our ds106 cult to go on an adventure!
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Talky Tina’s Got Soul- Week 3-4-5 #DS106 Reflections

Since joining the ds106 cult, I have learned many lessons, above all how important it is to create something everyday. It’s not like I didn’t know this, but I had never truly incorporated this philosophy in my life. Too often, we know certain truths in life, but we just don’t apply them in our own.
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“I went to the woods because I wished to photoblitz deliberately!”

I am guilt ridden, although we’ve been told not to feel guilty if we fall behind in ds106. I have yet to summarize and reflect on weeks 3 and 4, but it’s all in my head just waiting for some time to sit down and either write or record what I learned and accomplished during those weeks.
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What Story Means and How It Matters

There’s a high school chemistry teacher I know. He’s unsatisfied with his job and his life. He can’t afford to support his family on a teacher’s salary, so he has to work a part time job at a car wash where his boss belittles him everyday.
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What storytelling is to me.

So DS106 Headless has asked me to reflect on the idea of what I associate with the word storytelling? Um, that’s tough because I basically tell stories all the time. Someone asks about my day and the next thing I’m doing is conveying a story.…

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My Cute, Cuddly, Crayola Memoir

When I was five, my grandfather bought me one of those Crayola crayon boxes with the built in sharpener on the back. One little girl in my class was jealous, and she plotted revenge and set me up! I had four aquamarines, lots of hot magentas; lemon yellows in triplicates, a pair of midnight blues, and possibly various peaches, pinks and tans for coloring human faces on the coloring dittos used to sedate us.
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“Frainge Days Indeed!”

Last night after I got tattooed, I wrote my first post for #ds106 and was thrilled to find my first comment was from Alan Levine, who is really not our teacher …no one heads the course…but there are some very present masterminds behind all of this experimental DIY learning!
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Sharing Your Voice & Digital Storytelling

“To address the most important issue first: there is no such thing as digital storytelling. There’s only storytelling in the digital age. . .Digital is not the difficult part in digital storytelling. Storytelling is.” ~ Jasper Visser

Bella & Jules

After developing and facilitating a digital storytelling exploratory course for middle schoolers for nine years, I am rejoicing in the fact that digital tools have been getting easier and easier to use. 

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The Revolving Door of Technology in Education


Let’s keep this relatively short and simple shall we? I’ve spent just a month shy of 10 years in education, and I feel as though some days I know just about as much as I did on day one in the teaching field.…

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#ETMOOC Considerazioni finali

#ETMOOC 2013 è arrivato a destinazione, è giunto il momento di fare un bilancio dell’esperienza complessiva valutando gli apprendimenti e riflettendo su quanto è stato particolarmente significativo.

La prima considerazione riguarda l’atteggiamento che ho avuto nei confronti di questo mooc. Rispetto ai precedenti ritengo di aver agito con maggiore indipendenza avendo convogliato l’attenzione principalmente verso quegli stimoli e quelle proposte che più mi hanno coinvolto, avendo permesso il perseguimento degli obiettivi inizialmente individuati e, al contempo, e  le opportunità  di un apprendimento generato dalle immancabili sorprese che un cMooc solitamente riserva.…

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