#clmooc #lightandshadow

I’ve been missing Kim’s Friday Photos. I wondered where I would find light and shadows in my yard. The day is cool and crisp today but the sun is bright, peeking over the edge of hill across the river, illuminating the blossoms on our pear tree.…

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“I went to the woods because I wished to photoblitz deliberately!”

I am guilt ridden, although we’ve been told not to feel guilty if we fall behind in ds106. I have yet to summarize and reflect on weeks 3 and 4, but it’s all in my head just waiting for some time to sit down and either write or record what I learned and accomplished during those weeks.
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Status Update

I was going to post a blog explaining why I was so busy, I have not posted my Bring Your Own Technology Video.  However since Hunter has already done it on Curious Intentions  site.  I guess there is no need too.…

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My first experiences with bring your own technology

My school district started a BYOT policy this year. At first everyone thought this meant that we were going to install Wifi and that everyone would have access immediately. Nothing could be further from the truth. Essentially, we just said that we are going to officially allow something that students have been doing for a while.…

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#Lifeinthehood: Digital Storytelling Project #3 for #etmooc

I decided to create a collage of a Little Red Riding Hood themed photo shoot I did with my daughter.

All photos were edited in picmonkey.com

I wanted the series of images to hint at the story, and at the end throw in a twist (she’s wearing the wolf as a coat- a reference to the Roald Dahl poem)

A few weeks later, in the wood,
I came across Miss Riding Hood.

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My Five Card Flickr Story: Summer Brownies

My five card flickr story: Summer Brownies

Photo credit: Henriksent

I’m excited to dive into the topic of Digital Storytelling with #etmooc for the next two weeks. I started yesterday with a #sixwordstory so today I thought I would try a 5 Card Flickr Story! Here’s my first attempt!…

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Best iPad apps for classroom video production.

Last week, I found out I was I getting an iPad for my class. This was quite a surprise because I had not asked for an iPad. Apparently, one of the other broadcast video teachers asked for a device to take to the Student Television Network Conference.…

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Best iPad apps for classroom video production.

Last week, I found out I was I getting an iPad for my class. This was quite a surprise because I had not asked for an iPad. Apparently, one of the other broadcast video teachers asked for a device to take to the Student Television Network Conference.…

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