“Good Designs for a Better Life!” ds106’s Week 6-Reflection

For week 6 in ds106, we learned that “Design is everywhere! Anything we create or manufacture has key design elements.” Everything in our environment has design potential and possibility. We can design to invent what never existed or breathe new life and purpose into an existing object for people to have new behaviors.
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“Good Designs for a Better Life!” ds106’s Week 6-Reflection

For week 6 in ds106, we learned that “Design is everywhere! Anything we create or manufacture has key design elements.” Everything in our environment has design potential and possibility. We can design to invent what never existed or breathe new life and purpose into an existing object for people to have new behaviors.
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Hot GIF Kool-Aid’s Ready! Drink Up Giffi.us!

GIFing and ds106 has changed my life forever! Last week in the cult, I mixed up some sweet GIF kool-aid, and served it to other cult members! Fascinated with the concept of the GIF, I called on our ds106 cult to go on an adventure!
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Designing Great Comment Love in Peer to Peer Learning

Sally Field’s  “You like me! Right now!” Oscar acceptance speech 

One of the most important aspects of being part of a peer to peer learning environment such as ds106 is engaging in the art of giving, receiving and eliciting critical feedback.

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Talky Tina’s Got Soul- Week 3-4-5 #DS106 Reflections

Since joining the ds106 cult, I have learned many lessons, above all how important it is to create something everyday. It’s not like I didn’t know this, but I had never truly incorporated this philosophy in my life. Too often, we know certain truths in life, but we just don’t apply them in our own.
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“I went to the woods because I wished to photoblitz deliberately!”

I am guilt ridden, although we’ve been told not to feel guilty if we fall behind in ds106. I have yet to summarize and reflect on weeks 3 and 4, but it’s all in my head just waiting for some time to sit down and either write or record what I learned and accomplished during those weeks.
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