FUSE14 and Designing for Engagement

Sometime last fall I stumbled onto design thinking (DT) and was immediately drawn to its grounding in working with and for people. DT, to put it simply, is a process (or, if you prefer, the DT “mindset”) that can be summed up as “people-centered problem solving with a bias toward action.”…

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The Magic of Feedback


I believe in magic.  I believe in the power of positive thinking, positive words, and positive feedback.   As a high school English teacher, this has served me well to build long-term relationships with my kids.  Maintaining positive interactions with my kids has been a truism of my days, in this way the cycle of validation and feedback for who they are – as I see them to be – must be present in my communications with them, always.…

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5 Things I’ve Learned in 2013

Or had confirmed, or moved my thinking on….it’s been a big year.

Last July, I came across the Pearson “5 Things I’ve Learned” series via Ewan Mcintosh’s contribution. The idea of identifying five big ideas that I have come to know, or to have learned, appealed to me.
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Designing Great Comment Love in Peer to Peer Learning

Sally Field’s  “You like me! Right now!” Oscar acceptance speech 

One of the most important aspects of being part of a peer to peer learning environment such as ds106 is engaging in the art of giving, receiving and eliciting critical feedback.

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Feedback is Bi-directional

Grading the Teacher

According to the ACSD, feedback is not necessarily what you think it is. Confused? Try this: There are Seven Keys to Effective Feedback:

  1. Goal Oriented
  2. Tangible and transparent
  3. Actionable
  4. User-friendly
  5. Timely
  6. Ongoing
  7. Consistent

Based on the aforementioned article, “Technology is one powerful tool—part of the power of computer-assisted learning is unlimited, timely feedback and opportunities to use it.”…

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What Are You Thinking?

Photo Credit: jDevaun via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: jDevaun via Compfight cc

Recently, this post was shared with me on Twitter:

Screen shot 2013-08-10 at 9.05.52 AM
It’s a very good look at the need to communicate and respond in many ways to all the stakeholders in the school community.
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Six Word Stories: A Few Ideas

I was introduced to the idea of the Six Word Story during the digital storytelling topic in #ETMOOC. For those who do not know, there is a legend that Ernest Hemingway once composed a six word story in order to win a bet.…

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How to respond to criticism and influence people

This is a post intended to cheerlead. To express appreciation for the example being sdet by the MOOC organisers, and to talk about how that example, in part, has a large determining influence on the MOOC experience. I apologise in advance for any gushing, typos, formatting weirdness, or weirdly wired thoughts.…

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