What Are You Thinking?

Photo Credit: jDevaun via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: jDevaun via Compfight cc

Recently, this post was shared with me on Twitter:

Screen shot 2013-08-10 at 9.05.52 AM
It’s a very good look at the need to communicate and respond in many ways to all the stakeholders in the school community.
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Why Not Share?

One of my favourite parts of #etMOOC was our time exploring open learning. @cogdog (Alan Levine) collects stories of open learning and sharing here.  It is a concept I am committed to, and my own personal stories of open sharing are dear to me.…

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Sharing Our QR Code Scavenger Hunt

A few months ago, I suggested the idea of using the Scan app on our iPod Touches in a post about QR Codes. In the spirit of sharing and being open, let me tell you what transpired with a QR Code Scavenger Hunt experience in a grade 5 classroom.…

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Digital Literacy Defined?

Digital Literacies Peacock

Digital Literacies Peacock (Photo credit: *s@lly*)

What does it mean to be digitally literate? And who can actually answer that question today – teachers, administrators, researchers, students? I’m not sure I can do it justice. I think that’s one of my big takeaways from participating in the #etmooc Digital Literacy topic.…

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Bringing Stories to Life – Digitally!

ds tools

Last week, I spent the majority of my #etmooc time trying new digital storytelling tools (GIFs, Flip Books, Visual Poetry5 Card Flickr) and posting about my explorations and learnings. This week, I wanted to hold off testing more tools (PopcornMaker, Inklewriter & Stop Motion are high on my list!)…

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Stories of Open Sharing

This week, one of the conspirators of #etMOOC, Alan Levine (a.k.a. @cogdog), emailed me with a challenge – to submit a video of a time when being open and sharing online resulted in something special happening.

What could be more special than lunch with cogdog himself?…

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Promoting & Sharing Your Classroom Blog

You’ve set up a classroom blog. It has an eye-catching theme, and you’ve included tons of pages to help the students and parents know the expectations of the classroom. You even write a post updating the latest happenings. Maybe, you have your students writing posts, too.…

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#etmooc: Pushed (gently) to Share


CC Search Engine People Blog

I really enjoyed Dean Shareski’s webinar on Sharing = Accountability; his presentation  was engaging and thought-provoking.   Dean is one of many #etmooc webinar hosts who opens up the screen for all participants to respond to questions; as a visual learner the blast of responses is energizing and inviting.…

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Hello #etMOOCers!

For some time now, I have known that there is a big hole in my knowledge about educational technology.  I have absolutely no experience in working with video.

I was thrilled to see that the first assignment for #etMOOC was to make a video.  …

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