Sunny Skies at the Silver Skate Festival

Yesterday was Family Day here in Alberta. Our family had planned to go skiing but the wether has been so nice the skil hill was closed so we spent the afternoon at Hawrelak Park at the Silver Skate Festival.20160215_142131

We arrived as they were announcing the winners of the carving competition,

20160215_141158 20160215_141234
20160215_141408 20160215_141438 20160215_141610 We checked out the new warming huts, which are a Make Something Edmonton project.…

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Technologically-Mediated Human Relationships

A couple of nights ago, I was watching Youtube videos with my 3yr old when she noticed a thumbnail of a video featuring my dad. She instantly yelled, “Pappou, Pappou, I want to see Pappou.” We began to watch the video and within seconds, she began to call directly to her grandfather. …

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Digital Citizenship: Shouldn’t It Begin in Preschool?

I subscribe to a parenting website and receive weekly email alerts about developmental milestones and topics relevant to my child’s age. Recently, I read a post: Your 3 3/4-year-old: Computer Ready?

Perhaps, it’s my profession, or better yet, maybe, it’s my experiences and the topics presented during #ETMOOC that had me scratching my head and pondering some of the statements.…

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(Digital) Storytelling

So, I’ve been thinking about storytelling. I’m supposed to be thinking about it a little more than I actually have been, but I’m getting there.

My grandmother's chair

My grandmother’s chair.

I personally love a good story. I have an old friend who is an excellent story-teller.…

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Promoting & Sharing Your Classroom Blog

You’ve set up a classroom blog. It has an eye-catching theme, and you’ve included tons of pages to help the students and parents know the expectations of the classroom. You even write a post updating the latest happenings. Maybe, you have your students writing posts, too.…

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“Tell all the Truth …”

I was reading some poetry this evening, cause that’s what lit-geeks like me do, and serendipitously found this Emily Dickinson poem that resonated deeply with me on many levels, especially in regards to my quixotic pursuit of the paradigm shift with educational technology that I spoke of in my last post.…

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Tikatok-Student Online Book Publishing

I was introduced to Tikatok by my friend, Jackie Gerstein, when I visited her class in Sahuarita, AZ and was so impressed with the books her students were creating. Inspired after my visit, I have been waiting to try it out with a real story and my opportunity has come.…

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Mogulus is now LiveStream-Outstanding free video service!

If you’re considering some live streaming, I strongly encourage you to give Mogulus (now LiveStream) a try!! I have been exploring and using the Mogulus Channel for live streaming and have been extremely impressed with how easy it is to navigate and produce online videos (both live and recorded sessions).…

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