
Over the past few months I’ve become an enthusiastic advocate and user of It is no longer in Beta and has now gone public. It is a fantastic way to compile resources on a single topic and to share these resources with others who can choose to follow your updates.…

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You Want to Do What? One Principal’s Perspective on Change and Web 2.0 Tools

Teacher to principal as they are sharing bus duty one morning…. “One of my teacher friends told me about the neatest free tool on the internet that will make it possible for students to publish their writing anywhere around the world.…

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Tikatok-Student Online Book Publishing

I was introduced to Tikatok by my friend, Jackie Gerstein, when I visited her class in Sahuarita, AZ and was so impressed with the books her students were creating. Inspired after my visit, I have been waiting to try it out with a real story and my opportunity has come.…

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Mogulus is now LiveStream-Outstanding free video service!

If you’re considering some live streaming, I strongly encourage you to give Mogulus (now LiveStream) a try!! I have been exploring and using the Mogulus Channel for live streaming and have been extremely impressed with how easy it is to navigate and produce online videos (both live and recorded sessions).…

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I love my PLN! (Personal Learning Network)

Every day I learn new things from my personal learning network. Today I learned about this wonderful tool called Twitter Mosaic that creates a visual image of your friends and colleagues on Twitter that you can embed on a blog or wiki.…

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PhotoPeach SlideShow Tool

This photo video/slideshow was created with a free, online tool called PhotoPeach. It is a very flexible, creative, intuitive tool that makes it very easy to add photos and captions, select music, and they provide a way for viewers to add comments to the show.…

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High School Student Focus Group Conversation

One of the regular EdTechTalk webcasters, Matt Montagne, has been doing some amazing things with students, and I have recently had the privilege of tuning in to some of his latest endeavors.

If you are interested in hearing the “student voice” about the importance of technology in their learning, tune in to these podcasts and listen.…

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Liz Kolb and Cell Phones in Learning

I am a big fan of Liz Kolb and her incredible work and research concerning the use of cell phones in learning. I am a regular follower of her blog which is loaded with resources, and was very excited to purchase her new book called “Toys to Tools: Connecting Student Cell Phones to Education” published by ISTE.…

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Thanksgiving-A Time To Be Thankful!

Thanksgiving in the US is just around the corner and I am so excited to be able to travel this Thanksgiving to visit my daughter and her family in North Carolina! I have so many things to be thankful for in my life and especially love the ways that technology has enabled me to share some of these things with others (my blog, website, online videos, ScrapBlog, online photo sites such as One True Media, Picasa, Flickr, etc.–the…

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