It’s not you…it’s me (a momentary reflection on instructional design for distance learning)

I am currently designing instruction for which I will not be present.  That’s really hard for me.  

It’s so weird.  It’s like brushing my teeth with my left hand: doing a task I am very familiar with in a very unfamiliar way.  …

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First week of the GamesMOOC

This video is the introduction to the GamesMOOC for fall of 2013. Traditionally, the MOOC has been a great place to connect with and collaborate with like-minded professionals around the topic of game-based learning! This fall, the MOOC is focused (as focused as a MOOC can be, anyway) on the topics of Maker, Hacker and Gamer culture.…

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Flipping Over “Flipped Classroom” Lit

I’m not a fan of the flipped classroom phenomenon.  People often think this means I endorse lecture-based, didactic pedagogy, which could not be further from the truth.  I see the flipped classroom as addressing a symptom of education struggle rather than a cause.  …

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Liz Kolb and Cell Phones in Learning

I am a big fan of Liz Kolb and her incredible work and research concerning the use of cell phones in learning. I am a regular follower of her blog which is loaded with resources, and was very excited to purchase her new book called “Toys to Tools: Connecting Student Cell Phones to Education” published by ISTE.…

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