My Leadership Journey

One of the topics of #etmooc has been Digital Storytelling.  Telling stories through the use of pictures is a powerful way to share.  One of the Digital Storytelling assignments for #etmooc is to do a Five Card Flickr story.

For this story, you are given 5 photos to choose from.…

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The Digital Storytelling Experiment

My students just finished a unit on the Moon.  We took a field trip to the Challenger Learning Center in our community and we were astronauts and mission specialists.  We had a ball.  At the debriefing at the end of our experience, we saw a video created by the interns at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston.  …

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Bringing Stories to Life – Digitally!

ds tools

Last week, I spent the majority of my #etmooc time trying new digital storytelling tools (GIFs, Flip Books, Visual Poetry5 Card Flickr) and posting about my explorations and learnings. This week, I wanted to hold off testing more tools (PopcornMaker, Inklewriter & Stop Motion are high on my list!)…

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Books, Donuts, & Me: A Love Story

When I’m on vacation, there are only two things I’m interested in:

1)  books

2)  food

Often, but not always, in that order.

Thus, for the two weeks in January that I spent vacationing in the Pacific Northwest, #etmooc and all other “real world” stuff got pushed to the back burner while I went in pursuit of two of my great loves…

A corset book, one of the many wondrous objects in the University of Washington’s Book Arts Collection.…

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Take 1 of 1

This week in #etmooc we are looking at digital storytelling and I have had a couple of ideas which are both in the early stages of production. (I have another week to finish them off)

This first one started out with a photograph of a living statue street performer which my granddaughter took while we were shopping in Manchester on Saturday.…

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Orientation for #ETMOOC

I was excited to get started with #ETMOOC this week. I love exploring, discussing, sharing and learning new things with my colleauges. One of the most exciting things about participating in this massive open online course is being able to participate along side my colleagues, not only online, but in my school too.…

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PhotoPeach SlideShow Tool

This photo video/slideshow was created with a free, online tool called PhotoPeach. It is a very flexible, creative, intuitive tool that makes it very easy to add photos and captions, select music, and they provide a way for viewers to add comments to the show.…

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