Flying high: social media and international student advisors

planeOur International Student Advisors have purchased iPads to help them keep up to date with their work and deliver presentations to prospective students whilst working abroad. Having never owned an iPad before these colleagues had requested a session to discuss the different presentation apps that are available.…

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PLE Murder Mystery

On Thursday and Friday this week I was lucky enough to run two workshops at the PLE Conference held at Monash University.  The PLE Conference is a two day conference held in two cities, Melbourne and Berlin.  This year’s program, Personal Learning Environments: Learning and Diversity in the Cities of the Future, was full of presentations looking at the use of PLEs in education and examined the use of technology enhanced learning.…

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Tellagami – Share a Short Story, Fact or PSA

Tellagami came across my radar again last week. And the timing was right. I had a few minutes to download the app on our iPod Touches and within a minute I had created an avatar that appeared to be standing in Abbot School computer lab, dealing with printing issues.…

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What is Storytelling? for #etmooc

Thar be slides, slides, slides, way too many slides, from a presentation I did online yesterday as part of the ETMOOC Section on Digital Storytelling. You can find resources mentioned at

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Orientation for #ETMOOC

I was excited to get started with #ETMOOC this week. I love exploring, discussing, sharing and learning new things with my colleauges. One of the most exciting things about participating in this massive open online course is being able to participate along side my colleagues, not only online, but in my school too.…

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Getting ready

I’m sure by now most of you have heard of Arjana Blazic’s phenomenally successful TeachMeets. I have been lurking about these sessions with a growing itch to take part, and then I took the leap and I decided to propose a short talk, which was accepted.…

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ECMP Reflection Presentation

For our final presentation/final exam for our ECMP355 class we had to do a modified Pecha Kucha presentation – we used 16 slides for 15 seconds each.  The theme was to explore what we had learned in our class over the term, providing narration for our slides.  …

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AuthorStream-amazing tool for sharing PowerPoints

I just discovered a new, free online tool from Suzie Vesper’s wikispace that I’m very excited about. It is called AuthorStream ( It allows you to upload a PowerPoint presentation that maintains the original settings (such as text that loads one line at a time).…

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