Bringing the World into the Classroom with Twitter

At TCIS we have adopted Schoology as our primary tool of communication. We have adopted Schoology Groups as a type of blogging format, albeit basic, it is working well. This is however restricted to our immediate school community. What about the big wide world?
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Creating Math Tutorials

One of the best ways to show you know how to do something is to teach that skill to another. In Grade 1 we like to record our learning and exhibit our understanding by making short video tutorials. In our classroom we have an iPad for each table (3-4 students) with Explain Everything installed.
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Chalking my First Slate

I had a bit of a play with Adobe Slate this morning. It is an iOS app for publishing words and pictures.

The Devil's Pulpit
The Devil’s Pulpit

It is quite a very process which allows you to get good looking results quickly. Macworld points out some limitations that struck me immediately.…

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ETMOOC – It has been a busy year

I am not sure how to start this but this is what I have been doing since the end of ETMOOC.  I was an ETMOOC dropout, toward the end I just was too busy to keep up.  So here is what I have been doing since ETMOOC.  …

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Status Update

I was going to post a blog explaining why I was so busy, I have not posted my Bring Your Own Technology Video.  However since Hunter has already done it on Curious Intentions  site.  I guess there is no need too.…

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Digital Citizenship: Shouldn’t It Begin in Preschool?

I subscribe to a parenting website and receive weekly email alerts about developmental milestones and topics relevant to my child’s age. Recently, I read a post: Your 3 3/4-year-old: Computer Ready?

Perhaps, it’s my profession, or better yet, maybe, it’s my experiences and the topics presented during #ETMOOC that had me scratching my head and pondering some of the statements.…

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Win an iPad Mini: Online Teaching and Learning Effective Practices Video Clips

Let’s share our excellent online teaching practices! This contest aims to gather effective practices for online teaching that enhance student learning in higher education. As an online instructor, you have developed a range of innovative and exciting online learning resources and techniques.…

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Guided Access on an iPad

We posted a video yesterday about how to set up guided access on iOS devices. I figured some viewers would immediately figure it out and no other explanation would be needed. If you have worked in educational technology you probably immediately see the potential for this feature.…

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