Status Update

I was going to post a blog explaining why I was so busy, I have not posted my Bring Your Own Technology Video.  However since Hunter has already done it on Curious Intentions  site.  I guess there is no need too.…

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Longs View


I recently rebranded my site to the less narcissistic and hopefully more informative title of “Longs View.” It has, for me, two meanings:

1. Longs view as in the view from Longs Peak as in people matter.

I spent a summer at the base of Longs Peak near Estes Park, CO at a […]

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Teacher Leadership, EdTech , #ETMOOC, oh my!

I’m in grad school, working diligently towards my degree in Educational Technology.  The course I started this week is on Teacher Leadership and already, I’m able to see the comparisons to working in educational technology.

amen to THAT!

One article in particular has caused a good deal of reflection for me: Teacher Leadership, by Shelly Kurtz outlines what makes a good instructional leader in a school building and how this doesn’t necessarily mean being the principal.…

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I’ll have to make this brief, but you can find a little bit about me on the main page of my blog, or on this mountain or, for those looking for a longread, this post tells the whole story. I look forward to learning from the #ETMOOC community.…

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Key Points to Consider When Launching MOOCs

I was asked by my institution to develop the following document to give administrators, faculty, and staff initial talking points when thinking about launching MOOCs. Thus, this one-page executive summary is succinct and diplomatic (see e.g., “What’s the Business Model?”), but many of the resources and thinkers I’ve cited are well worth the […]

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POD 2012 Presentation – Virtual Simulations and Cooperative Learning

(I’m not sure why SlideShare ate some of the PNGs.)

Here is our research presentation (Effects of Virtual Labs and Cooperative Learning in Anatomy Instruction) from the the POD 2012 Conference in Seattle, WA. Thanks to all who came and contributed!…

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ELI Fall Focus 2012

As usual, the Educause Learning Initiative Focus webinar was excellent and has spurred plenty of good conversation about innovation on our campus. Below is a Storify of the lively backchannel and my Evernote notes are HERE. [View the story “ELI Fall Focus ” on Storify]


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Some dude not getting paid, doing it for his cousins



Prompted by a recent talk I attended by the brilliant Punya Mishra, I re-watched this 2011 Charlie Rose interview with Sal Khan. It was well worth the price of admission just to hear Punya’s point on the disconnect between the higher order skills Khan employs to create his videos (e.g.,…

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Backwards Design & Melding In-Class and Online Pedagogies

Below are two presentations we used in our Faculty and Organizational Development Spring Institute Workshop: “Tech-Savvy Teaching: Melding In-Class and Online Pedagogies.” It’s a little hard to follow out-of-context, but I was really proud of the fact that, before diving into technology tools, we spent almost a whole day on backwards design, big ideas/essential […]

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Anatomy of A Simple Course Intro Video


“Big ideas” and essential questions for your course (see Understanding by Design). Patience and discipline to do step #1 first and do it well… really. An instructor with a rough script of how they want to convey the big ideas for their course (it doesn’t hurt to have a quirky/snarky […]

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