The Return of YouTube RSS

I just read this on OLDaily ~ by Stephen Downes in my RSS reader.

Points to

apparently YouTube has decided to allow users to follow channels via RSS again,

from: YouTube has (apparently) reinstated RSS feeds – BiteofanApple

It seems to work, I’ve aded my own channel to my RSS reader, Inoreader, and it worked fine.…

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Interviews in South Australia

In August 2013, I spent some time with the Department for Education and Child Development in South Australia. While I was there, I was interviewed about a number of issues related to technology and social media in Education. One of the resulting videos is found below (“Using Twitter Effectively in Education”), and there are 12 others found in this playlist.…

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Infinite Monkeys: Part II

So yesterday I was writing about creating an app (short for software application) for teachers using MS Paint for Grade 1. I’m still working on it and since Kevin asked for a debrief on the software I thought I’d write another post on the process of building this app.…

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Connecting Professionally

You may have noticed something new at the top right of this page.  I have added a link to my arsenal of connections with my professional world.  Yep!  I added a Facebook page! Now that I’ve done this, I have to update my Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube links to reflect this new way to connect […]

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Animoto vs YouTube: Free Photo Slideshow Comparison

As an instructional technology specialist, educator, and avid technology user, I am always on the look out for free applications to use. I have been specifically interested in finding FREE online ways to create and share slideshows and video. One of the activities we were asked to do as a final “summary of learning” was to create a reflection artifact of our #etmooc learning experience.…

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Digital Citizenship: Shouldn’t It Begin in Preschool?

I subscribe to a parenting website and receive weekly email alerts about developmental milestones and topics relevant to my child’s age. Recently, I read a post: Your 3 3/4-year-old: Computer Ready?

Perhaps, it’s my profession, or better yet, maybe, it’s my experiences and the topics presented during #ETMOOC that had me scratching my head and pondering some of the statements.…

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Lip dub: I’m havin’ a good time!

Educators looking to engage their students in a fun, educational activity should consider having their students create a collaborative lip dub video of a favourite song. For those unfamiliar with the process, Wikipedia states:

A lip dub is a type of video that combines lip synching and audio dubbing to make a music video.

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How Life is Like Dinner Theatre: On Embracing Participatory Culture

First watch this:

This was indeed life not too long ago. Until, perhaps, the “YOU” was inserted as a prefix to “TUBE”, among other advances.

In the ’80s, I recall watching Videodrome, primarily because my New Wave idol Deborah Harry of Blondie was starring.…

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#etmooc: A Midterm Review of Connectivity, Collaboration, and Learning

With massive open online courses (MOOCs) at the center of hype, overhype, and plenty of justifiable criticism, a midterm review of one—the highly interactive Educational Technology and Media MOOC (#etmooc, organized by University of Regina professor of educational technology and media Alec Couros and others)—shows what a well-designed and well-facilitated MOOC can offer to learners with the digital literacy skills required to benefit from them.…

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Synthesis, Shifting Perspectives, and Storytelling: Hidden Garden Steps and #etmooc

Sometimes the slightest shift in perspective reveals the presence of stunningly beautiful interweavings that moments earlier hadn’t been obvious between various elements of our lives. That moment came for me this morning while viewing a colleague’s newly-posted video on YouTube.

etmoocCommunity, collaboration, and creativity in a variety of venues seemed to be coalescing into an incredibly beautiful tapestry as I watched  the video prepared by Hidden Garden Steps organizing committee co-chair Liz McLoughlin.

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