2015 in Review

So 2015 is on its last legs. What have I got done educationally this year? I didn’t participate in any moocs, but I did stay connected with DS106, Postetmooc and TVSZ. So nothing new, just the maintenance of existing relationships. What did I do instead?…

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Kingston CoderDojo and Connected Courses

So I’ve been offline for a while for various reasons, the main one being I am of that age when parents need more care and support and this has been a support summer, from that perspective. Thank goodness my parents’ health is now good and they have moved onto the next stage of their lives without too many problems.…

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Infinite Monkeys: Part II

So yesterday I was writing about creating an app (short for software application) for teachers using MS Paint for Grade 1. I’m still working on it and since Kevin asked for a debrief on the software I thought I’d write another post on the process of building this app.…

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Failure and failing

So this week’s topic in our Openspokes fellowship is failure, something we are all intimately acquainted with, for who has not failed at a task, at a crucial moment, sometimes with serious consequences? Who ends up a goat and goes to hell?…

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Hybrid Pedagogy: Leaders in Innovation

I’m biased. I admit it. I’m partial to the  Hybrid Pedagogy team of Pete Rorabaugh, Jesse Stommel, Sean Michael Morris, Robin Wharton and Valerie Robin.  How can I not be? These are the folks that brought us Twitter vs.
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Being Open and the Open Web

Well, currently I am enrolled in Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence (Coursera) and Teachtheweb through Mozilla, plus being a member of several communities so I am feeling a little s t r e t c h e d. Both physically and mentally, so the power outage last night that shut the computer off and sent me to bed early was probably a good thing.…

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Teach the web, Postetmooc and other activities

So I am about to embark on another mooc type endeavour, with Mozilla’s Teach the Web. I’ll see how it turns out. I am already feeling a little anxious because of course I’ve forgotten how to connect my blog to an aggregator (and the assumption that it is easy is to figure out ticks me off!…

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