A new open experiment: msloc430.net

We’re officially live at msloc430.net. See this blog’s MSLOC 430 category for previous updates on work-in-progress and some history of the course I teach at the Master’s Program in Learning and Organizational Change at Northwestern University. My current experiment is the second iteration of trying to create an open section of the campus-based course.…

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The Web and Ed We Want via Justin Reich

Justin Reich’s recent Berkman Center talk – “The Web We Want and the Ed We Want” – is a great, actually entertaining tour through the recent history of the web and the parallel narrative of the web and education. I am posting it here as a note to myself.…

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Dot.con – Documentary on Internet Scams

Tonight, the CBC aired a documentary on Internet scams including the romance scams that I’ve been discussing on my blog as of late. The video is worth sharing and discussing. As well, I believe that this documentary is relevant to the #ccourses participants who are considering the possibilities around connected learning.…

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The Case of Etmooc

Topic 5 of Connected Courses started this week, we will be exploring co-learning for the next two weeks. Topic 5 is being hosted by Howard Rheingold, Alec Couros and Mia Zamora. The first synchronous event was a hangout with Howard, Alec and Mia and some of the many #etmooc alumni who still connect and collaborate on a regular basis.…

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Co-learning, #ccourses, and Keeping the Lights On: #etmooc and the Connected Courses MOOC

We may have a new corollary to one of the most famous lines from the movie It’s a Wonderful Life (“Teacher says, ‘Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.’”): Every time #etmooc is mentioned, a learner gets new learning wings.…

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Learning When No One Is at the Center of the Room: Connected Courses MOOC (#ccourses)

Frequent flyers, at one time or another, have the disorienting experience of having to consciously look for reminders of where we are; our minds simply can’t keep up with the frequent leaps between cities, states, and, occasionally, countries. Frequent learners engaged in co-learning (what Edward Brantmeier describes as the act of changing roles so teachers and learners become “joint sojourners on the quest for knowledge, understanding, and…wisdom”) within the world of connected learning may be facing a parallel challenge in at least a couple of ways; when interacting with connected-learning colleagues, we need to remind ourselves which of our wonderfully overlapping communities of learning we are currently engaging (Is this #etmooc—the Educational Technology & Media massive open online course?…

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Why I Connect

So right now I am playing in the spaces of #ccourses and #olcmooc and both are dealing with the ‘why’ of connected learning. Of course, the glib response would be ‘why not?’ but this is a serious, serious question that deserves a considered, reflective answer.…

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Why I teach

So #ccourses this week has asked the question why do I teach? And the answer is: Do I still teach? I am an instructional designer now rather than a face to face classroom educator. And I’ve never taught at a university, though I do teach adults.…

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Kingston CoderDojo and Connected Courses

So I’ve been offline for a while for various reasons, the main one being I am of that age when parents need more care and support and this has been a support summer, from that perspective. Thank goodness my parents’ health is now good and they have moved onto the next stage of their lives without too many problems.…

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What’s the sound of a blog warming up?

Am shooting off my initial connection to Connected Courses, another new learning adventure.

Step 1: Test the syndication.

Step 2: Write something worthy of syndication.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2.

Looking forward to this. A great, connected group already gathering.…

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