Cool New Learning Management System Alert: My Big Campus

So I get an email from a member of the district’s IT department about a workshop at the educational technology conference a group of us will be attending together. We are wanting to move towards using My Big Campus as Learning Management System next year.…

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Mobile Warm-up: Bloom Style

I’m having a hard time NOT thinking about the 2013-14 school year.  I think its this class I’m finishing up on Information Literacy (IL) that has me thinking about how to incorporate more researching into my lessons, which naturally, will create a more student centered environment.…

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Information Literacy and EdTech: Using the Web Wisely

I just discovered I am the worse internet researcher on the planet.  This last application assignment has set my braincells on fire! Help. In my current  masters level course, I’m learning about information literacy, the “science” of research.  I’ve learned how the world of the internet has changed the way we research information.  …

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Connecting Professionally

You may have noticed something new at the top right of this page.  I have added a link to my arsenal of connections with my professional world.  Yep!  I added a Facebook page! Now that I’ve done this, I have to update my Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube links to reflect this new way to connect […]

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Google Voice Pilot Results

Today was the last day of school!  (this was a really long, hard year… are children “changing” or is it me?) ANYWHO… As promised in my last post, I have a few voice recordings from my students as they answered my question about “creating” life on Mars.  …

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Assessing Learning, Tech Style

So the Google Voice pilot went very well!  I have just enough time left in the school year to do a live assignment and see how well the students do.  My big issue now is, assessing high enough on the taxonomy scale to get a true picture of what they’ve learned.…

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Digital Wanderers

Thursday was “Take your Child to Work” day.  At one point during the day, I sat in a meeting with our school counselor and her adorable son.  He honored me by letting me sit next to him as he slipped on his “Beats” headphones and pulled out his Ipod.  …

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PBL + Technology = Student Centered Engagement!

SEV project 2013So, the “Major Project” is completed.  Students are currently doing the very last activity-writing a reflection blog  post about what they learned – and I’ve read some very interesting thoughts on the matter.  I gave them a list of questions as a guide as they write and the very last question was, “how can Mrs.…

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My #ETMOOC Experience: a reflection on reflecting

When I found this particular MOOC and considered joining it (knowing I was starting grad school and was about to begin the BIG class project about midway through it) I looked at it as an opportunity to connect what I was learning in grad school (I’m working on a Masters in Educational Technology) to what I want to do in my classroom.…

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