Connecting Professionally

You may have noticed something new at the top right of this page.  I have added a link to my arsenal of connections with my professional world.  Yep!  I added a Facebook page! Now that I’ve done this, I have to update my Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube links to reflect this new way to connect […]

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Risking taking risks

This week’s #etmooc sessions have led me down the path of diffusion of innovation theories and I have started to collect together some interesting research sources. I want to explore if and how crossing the chasm can be expedited. However, it will take me a little while to gather my thoughts around this.

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Time flies…

I can’t believe that we have come to the end of the first session of #etmooc: Connected Learning.  This is a very short post to demonstrate some of the activity over the last fortnight.  For more reflective accounts and conversations, see Google+   Blogs  and Twitter (#etmooc)

I chickened out of collaborating on the libdub project, but I will definitely be stealing the idea for some future project of my own:


I did add my slide to this collaboratively constructed slide-deck, which demonstrates how easy it to collaborate on a Google presentation, even globally.…

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#etmooc – Becoming a Networked Educational Leader

Today’s session was presented by George Couros. I missed the first part as I was out of the office but the live notes below are from what I did catch in the second half of the session.

For full disclosure, I do not work within a school or educational setting, so I find that it was more difficult for me to connect with the information.…

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With a little bit of help from my friends

Last week I posted a curation workflow diagram which received a lot of positive comments from people inside the #etmooc community and outside:

gliffy linkedin

I was amazed and delighted by this response, and I think it is a good example of the power of connected learning.…

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Reflections on the #etmooc orientation

I created a Storify collection of my favorite tweets and videos from the orientation session tonight. Below I’ve included the highlights of the highlights.

The digital citizenship discussion drew a lot of commentary. But I think the bit that struck me was Alec’s very aspirational goal: At the end of this MOOC, using what we’ve learned to actually DO something as a connected network.…

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