Blended learning – theory and practice

The second week of #flble1 continues apace.  It is clear now that the definition of blended learning used in this course includes “demonstrating the value of the mix of digital and conventional methods in class” as opposed to the definition used here by JISC of “integrating online with traditional face-to-face class activities in a planned, pedagogically valuable… Continue reading Blended learning – theory and practice

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To Blend or not to Blend?

To blend or not to blend learning was the question that cooked up a storm in the first week of Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started but before we got there we first had to think what we mean by blended learning. …

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Week 1 – orientation

The first week of #flble1 is almost over and I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect about how it has worked for me as an orientation week.  Having participated in several moocs and being a fairly active user on Twitter, I consider myself to be fairly up to speed with getting the most out of this type… Continue reading Week 1 – orientation

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Here we go again

I am writing a blog post.  That must be because I need to sort out the jumble of thoughts and ideas that are going through my brain.  And if my brain is ‘too full’ it must be because I am participating in a #mooc. …

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Video remix

Inspired by #etmooc projects I have had a go at remixing a video for educational purposes.

Professional Ethics is one of the #AAT Level 3 units which I will be teaching over the next term. It is a subject that some of my students have found difficult to get to grips with, its not to do with numbers!…

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Learning to walk

The Mozilla Foundation asks What are the skills, competencies and literacies necessary to read, write and participate in the Web – now and in the future?”  

Thinking about this has made me reflect on areas of my life where I have tried to acquire new skills.…

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Risking taking risks

This week’s #etmooc sessions have led me down the path of diffusion of innovation theories and I have started to collect together some interesting research sources. I want to explore if and how crossing the chasm can be expedited. However, it will take me a little while to gather my thoughts around this.

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Spoof websites

I was intrigued when I heard about all the spoof websites out there, and ever ready for the opportunity to try out a new app, I have collected a few of them here.


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Critical crap detection

First of all, my apologies for the moving parts in this post. They are a hangover from the last session in #etmooc where I had a go at different digital media tools. If you want to know how they were made please read this post


So, this week it is all about digital literacies.…

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