A Collaboration of the Willing – Leading from the Behind

I’ve used this graphic dozens of times to illustrate a vision of engaging workplace volunteers in long-term strategies that help inner-city youth move from first grade to first jobs. I’ve created a library of graphics like this on Pinterest and posted a library of illustrated essays on Scribd.com

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Optimizing Library Resources for Online Students at Purdue University Calumet

Faculty eCommons

Do your online students know how to engage with your institution’s library resources?
Bridging the gap between online students and an on-campus library is challenging for a number of reasons (perceived or real): lack of ……

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Information Literacy and EdTech: Using the Web Wisely

I just discovered I am the worse internet researcher on the planet.  This last application assignment has set my braincells on fire! Help. In my current  masters level course, I’m learning about information literacy, the “science” of research.  I’ve learned how the world of the internet has changed the way we research information.  …

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The UK moves to preserve its digital history, paywalled content (and some tweets) included

The UK moves to preserve its digital history, paywalled content (and some tweets) included:

For the last century, the U.K. has had what is known as a legal deposit law requiring a copy of every book, pamphlet, magazine and newspaper to be sent to the British Library, and allowing five other major libraries to also request copies.…

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