Growing and Learning

Blog-A-Month Challenge – APRIL’s TOPIC: Professional Development

As April comes to a close, I’m left pondering the topic of Professional Development.  The prompts for the month suggest:

  • For PD to be effective it must have the following 3 characteristics…
  • The conference/book/activity that delivered the most meaningful PD experience I have had was…
  • My most powerful source of ongoing PD is…
  • Blogging is essential to my own PD because…

To begin, I feel that to be an educator one must really be an impassioned learner for education is not only about expertise, it is about being confident enough to make yourself vulnerable to a constancy of change and uncertainty; we are explorers, sometimes with a map, sometimes without, but we are always learning something new on each voyage, and constantly depending on our wits to respond and react to the unforeseen.  

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I am uncomfortable….

with this week’s topic! “Is books making us stupid?” Now I haven’t even watched Dave’s video and I haven’t read anyone’s post because in my mind I am thinking “Uh, no?!” and “Fix the grammar!” So I know Dave is being deliberately provocative to try and make me challenge some long held assumptions about literacy and reading, books and the idea of fixed knowledge.…

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The Value of Penny Kittle PD

Charged with the task of trying to articulate what has Penny Kittle done to transform my teaching, and trying to persuade administration to support a 7-12 Professional Development opportunity for our teachers, feels like a daunting task – but a worthy task.…

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RSCON 4 – Making the Most of Reading

You can watch the recording of James Taylor‘s presentation here.
He started his presentation by showing a typical reading exercise in a textbook.

1. There’s a reading passage, on the left some pre-reading tasks, comprehension questions following a chronological order of the text, and some more detailed comprehension questions.
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For the Love of Reading

My all-time favorite book is… Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte!  


Cover of "Wuthering Heights (Barnes & Nob...

Cover via Amazon





 I have always loved WUTHERING HEIGHTS by Emily Bronte as it stole my heart and mind at the age of 18.  It taught me about the pitfalls of idealism and single-mindedness – two flaws I possessed as an adolescent and continue to struggle with today. 

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Student approved apps

Although I haven’t tested out all of the apps myself they are all highly recommended by my A Level students. Hopefully your students will find these useful too, especially during this stressful exam period.

Apps for education

Click on the picture to see a larger, clearer image.

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Like Spokes on a Wheel

As the ETMOOC gets underway in earnest, many of the participants will be blogging about their learning, some for the very first time.  As participants draw connections between their ideas, these blog posts will rub up against one another, and like spokes centred on a common central idea, we’ll all be able to move forward together.
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