I recently joined the Teacher’s Education Review Podcast and talked a bit about Connected Learning. A recording of the podcast is found embedded below.
Thanks to the folks at TERPodcast for the opportunity.
I recently joined the Teacher’s Education Review Podcast and talked a bit about Connected Learning. A recording of the podcast is found embedded below.
Thanks to the folks at TERPodcast for the opportunity.
In August 2013, I spent some time with the Department for Education and Child Development in South Australia. While I was there, I was interviewed about a number of issues related to technology and social media in Education. One of the resulting videos is found below (“Using Twitter Effectively in Education”), and there are 12 others found in this playlist.…
My popular open-boundary course, EC&I 831 (Social Media & Open Education), is back for the Fall of 2013 and we’d love you to participate as a non-credit student, or possibly, a network mentor. If you’re interested, please use this form to sign up!…
Having been neck-deep in my #ETMOOC experience these last few weeks, I have decided to share some progress that I have been making on my graduate thesis project. Over a year in the works, I have been aligning my thesis with courses taken during my time at the University of Boston, studying Instructional Design (M.Ed).…
If you’ve been following this space, you’ll know that we’ve been considering and planning an educational technology focused MOOC to begin January of 2013. I’ve written on the development of this idea here and here, and there are a number of us who have been working on this collaborative #etmooc planning document and discussing possibilities in this Google Group.…
In mid-August, I wrote a post to gauge interest in a possible Edtech-focused MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to begin January of 2013. I received a handful of responses on my blog, dozens of Twitter replies (captured in this Storify), and (to-date) 142 individuals stated their interest in participating via this Google form.…