Drive time listening


I am a pretty regular podcast listener, mostly while commuting. Recently though I’ve been listing to iPlayer radio on the drive home. I listen to today on the way in. This week I’ve restarted the podcast habit.

I’ve listened to one old friend and a couple of new ones.…

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Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast #053: Peer Instruction

Last week, I did something really cool: Bonni Stachowiak interviewed me about peer instruction for her Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. I was a bit nervous about talking on the phone, knowing I would be recorded, but Bonni is so knowledgeable and friendly, it turned into a great conversation between colleagues.…

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Podcast on Connected Learning

I recently joined the Teacher’s Education Review Podcast and talked a bit about Connected Learning. A recording of the podcast is found embedded below.

Thanks to the folks at TERPodcast for the opportunity.

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