Reading: Digital Skills, Digital Literacies and Media Literacy

For example, teaching digital skills would include showing students how to download images from the Internet and insert them into PowerPoint slides or webpages. Digital literacy would focus on helping students choose appropriate images, recognize copyright licensing, and cite or get permissions, in addition to reminding students to use alternative text for images to support those with visual disabilities.

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Edutalk at the Scottish Film and Learning Festival

On Saturday I went along to this event in University of Stracthclyde Innovation Centre. Orgainserd by Rob Smith and Bill Boyd in association with Scottish Film Education.

There were over 20 presentations and talks on a wide ranging set of topics.…

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Would The Real ‘Alec Couros’ Please Stand Up?

Last September, I wrote a post about how scammers had been using my photos to lure women into online, romantic relationships for the purpose of ‘borrowing’ or extorting money. Since that time, the scams have continued. I get, on average, one new report a day from women (and occasionally men) who have been tricked, or nearly tricked, into sending money.…

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Why our schools are NOT failing your children

This morning I read this article by recent graduate Johanna O’Farrell in The Age.  Of course any article which opens with “Why your schools are failing your children: a teacher tells” piqued my interest.  I have always advocated for teachers telling their stories in our media rather than politicians but this one had my heart rate rising as she spoke of schools tossing aside “any sort of rigour, routine or repetition when it comes to classroom learning.”…

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EC&I 831 Is Back! Call for Non-Credit Participants & Network Mentors

EC&I 831 - Banner

My popular open-boundary course, EC&I 831 (Social Media & Open Education), is back for the Fall of 2013 and we’d love you to participate as a non-credit student, or possibly, a network mentor. If you’re interested, please use this form to sign up!…

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Old McLiteracy had a #MOOC

…a #metaliteracy sing-a-long to the tune of Old McDonald’s Farm: here a literacy there a literacy everywhere a literacy, (meta)literacy, (trans)literacy…(multi/ple)literacies…eieieo

[Caveat: this post recycles blogged notes and reflections from the Trans/Meta units of CMC 11, version 1.0.…

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What Does It Mean To Be Literate?

I am working on a keynote presentation for the CEGSA conference coming up July 17, and I am hoping to gather insight from individuals for a crowdsourced portion of the presentation. It is my goal to gather original text/quotes, images, videos, audio, slides, etc.…

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Digital Literacy, Web Literacy, Media Literacy, Information Literacy – or Just Plain LITERACY???

We are well-into our third topic of #etmooc.  We were asked to consider the following questions:

  • What does it mean to be digitally literate? 
  • What is the difference between being digital literate and web literate?
  • What digital competencies and skills do your learners demonstrate through their daily use of technology?
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Digital Literacy Defined?

Digital Literacies Peacock

Digital Literacies Peacock (Photo credit: *s@lly*)

What does it mean to be digitally literate? And who can actually answer that question today – teachers, administrators, researchers, students? I’m not sure I can do it justice. I think that’s one of my big takeaways from participating in the #etmooc Digital Literacy topic.…

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