Digital Literacy, Web Literacy, Media Literacy, Information Literacy – or Just Plain LITERACY???

We are well-into our third topic of #etmooc.  We were asked to consider the following questions:

  • What does it mean to be digitally literate? 
  • What is the difference between being digital literate and web literate?
  • What digital competencies and skills do your learners demonstrate through their daily use of technology?
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Networking in My Zone of Proximal Development

In the Deep End
CC licensed photo  shared by Flickr user edenpictures

When my nephew Jack was five years old, he was afraid to swim in the deep end.  My sister, Jennifer, put him in swimming lessons but Jack politely refused to go into the deep end of the pool with his swimming teacher.
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A Digital Math Story

On Monday, at a 21st Century workshop, I learned about the SAMR, a model for the use of technology in the classroom.   But even before I saw this model, I had already decided that if I am going to be teaching with technology, I want to use the technology to teach differently.…

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Making A GIF- If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again – And Then Ask Your PLN for HELP!

This is my very first (and only) GIF.  I cannot begin to explain all of the learning that went into my being able to create this little baby – it’s the story of my backyard by the way – but the hoops I had to jump through to create this animated image are actually irrelevant.…

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Digital Storytelling – What Is It?

I thought I was on information over-load after the first three weeks of the etMOOC (Massive Open Online Course) I signed up for.  Last weekend, we were introduced to our new topic: Digital Storytelling.  I have been to workshops before on Digital Storytelling, actually even created some of my own “stories” using Movie Maker, so I thought this week would be easier.…

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Why Are We Doing This?

In my last post I mentioned that I used Google Docs for the first time ever with my students to create an on-line survey.  This may sound like an easy task, and in the end it was, but for my students and I, getting there was not so easy.…

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Two Weeks into ETMOOC; How Have I Changed?

I am two weeks into my first ever MOOC – Massive (Gargantuan, Humongous, Ginormous) Open On-line Course (Community?) and I’m looking for signs of learning.

I signed up for this course, a newbie on Twitter, to learn more about digital tools.…

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Why Collaborate?

So much has been happening this week: working on report cards, meeting with colleagues on our School Improvement Team to plan for our up-coming School Effectiveness Review, and following the “happenings” on #etmooc.  And all the while, I’ve been “curating” (which to me means absorbing the new information and giving it time to curate while I reflect on it) – that’s my new word of the week.…

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By: Lorraine Boulos

Hello Ianin,
I loved your Empressr presentation.
It feels strangle, and intimidating for me, being a part of this MOOC with so many people who have so much more tech experience than I do myself. But when I watched your presentation, I realized that while I don’t nearly possess your skills or experience, I do share your questions!…

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