Climbing the Story Mountain


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It is no secret that I miss the classroom.  After leaving the classroom 16 months ago I knew I would.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the work I do and the new learning I have been able to do has been amazing.  …

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#etMOOC +1: The Power of People

As we celebrate the first anniversary of #etMOOC*, I am overwhelmed with the stories of growth and sharing and learning.

* For those who hear about how MOOCs are a trend, a fad, a failure or a passing phase, here is the kind of MOOC I am referring to:

#etMOOC connected people.…

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My thoughts on the future of higher education [Christian]

My thoughts on the future of higher education -- March 2013 by Daniel Christian



From DSC:
Though the title of this article I wrote says 10 years, it may be more or less (and given the pace of change, I would lean towards sooner rather than later).  

If you haven’t read Christensen’s/Horn’s/Johnson’s work re: disruption — such as Disrupting Class and/or The Innovator’s Dilemma — it would be worth your time to do so.

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The Professors’ Big Stage [Friedman]

The Professors’ Big Stage – op-ed from the New York Times by Thomas Friedman


I just spent the last two days at a great conference convened by M.I.T. and Harvard on “Online Learning and the Future of Residential Education” — a k a “How can colleges charge $50,000 a year if my kid can learn it all free from massive open online courses?”…

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Expert panel brings clarity to MOOCs in Business+MOOCs Hangout

Expert panel brings clarity to MOOCs in Business+MOOCs Hangout — fron

The Business+MOOC Panel
Host: Jay Cross
Educators:  Dave Cormier, Stephen Downes, Terri Griffith and George Siemens
Business People: Jos Arets, Bert De Coutere, Lal Jones-Beyy (from Coursera) Mark Finnern,  Jerry Michalski


Also see:

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Game-changing reflections re: “College branding: The tipping point” [Dooley]

College branding: The tipping point — from by Roger Dooley


Change is coming to this market. While there are multiple issues of increasing importance to schools, two stand out as major game-changers.


From DSC:
Important notes for the boards throughout higher education to consider:

Your institution can’t increase tuition by one dime next year.

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Could this be a new purpose/goal within K-12, higher ed, and the training departments out there? [Christian]

From DSC:
First, what prompted the questions and reflections that are listed below?  For that, I turn to some recent items that I ran across involving the use of robotics and whether that may or may not be affecting employment:


The work of Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee; for example their book Race Against the Machine

Excerpt of description:

But digital innovation has also changed how the economic pie is distributed, and here the news is not good for the median worker.…

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Three Big Changes Ahead for Higher Education

Reblogged from online learning insights:

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  • Click to visit the original post

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”  Albert Einstein

A change of thinking is almost obligatory when considering the future of Higher Education.

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On the train to EduCon, I sat in the quiet car. I relished this…

On the train to EduCon, I sat in the quiet car. I relished this idea of quiet time before what I was pretty sure was going to be kind of an overwhelming experience for me. Of course, the quiet car is still a connected car and somewhere on the trip I saw the @remixeducon request for media.…

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tracing contoured landscapes

abstract lines

CC Image Source:

This week has traced a contoured landscape similar to the image above: Trough, dip, peak, slide and ripple. 

Holidays can be like that, especially when your household is jumbled with young adults coming late/ going soon/ sleeping in/ conspiring.…

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