This isn’t summer camp

…doesn’t look much like MOOC Madness either but is central, at ;east to my perspective and that of the many without reliable. affordable high speed access. The assumption that goes with most ed tech ventures either presumes everyone has it or willfully ignores the reality that they do not.

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the challenge of participating with limited access

Access on dial-up in a learning community that assumes high speed connectivity, whether home or institutional, continues to be a major challenge pursuing multiple moocs, whether concurrent or serial. Verb choice and ‘why’ can wait as topics. Now is first aid time for a prematurely published post (email glitch, sending instead of saving, which also goes to another mooc-related area, keeping the damn tools and their protocols straight

Accessing /consuming course materials is the first challenge ~ and an ongoing.…

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Analyzing MOOCs – A SWOT Analysis

Reblogged from Andrew Spinner:

One of my many roles at @Understoodit includes conducting onging analysis and research of education technology tools and trends.  One of the most interesting and heavily discussed areas relates to what is known as Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOC for short.  

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Three Big Changes Ahead for Higher Education

Reblogged from online learning insights:

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  • Click to visit the original post

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”  Albert Einstein

A change of thinking is almost obligatory when considering the future of Higher Education.

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Personal Learning Networks


PLN’s may not be joined at the hip for life to MOOCs (it may even be possible to partake of one without the other) …but feels like it at times. Here, Pinterest throws its cyber hat into the PLN ring.…

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Why MOOC? (a series)

Extending the reach and scope of public education is one answer. Let’s do more of these. Got suggestions?

via Stephen Downes, Let’s Make Some Art, Dammit: Homeschooling for Poor PeopleFull sized poster:

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Get scraped!

Confused and overwhelmed following #etmooc and perhaps other mooc blog feeds? Even more confused trying to follow comments? Have no fear, the MOOC comment scraper is here… you still won’t be able to read everything, so don’t try.

MOOC Comment Scraper

Scraping a MOOC for Comments (Based on ‘la vaca de los sinvaca’ – by José Bogado), from gb155, writing:

I’m still intending to Comment Scrape Edinburgh Philosophy Mooc blogs as proposed in my last post but following a comment by Vanessa Vaile and looking for a good set of blogs for testing purposes, I unleashed the Scraper on 81 Etmooc Blogger blogs and it returned the following output (see below) – a good test!

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The Scam of Online Learning Platforms

Reblogged from M.G. Piety:

Click to visit the original post

There’s an interview in this morning’s Inside Higher Education with Katie Blot, the president of Blackboard Education Services. Universities pay millions of dollars to Blackboard and similar companies for online learning services that are, in fact, available for free on the internet.

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Instructional Design & MOOCs: A Perfect Storm

Larnaca, meet the MOOCs; MOOC’s, meet Lamarca. I almost forgot about this post/share, “Quick review of the Larnaca Learning Design Declaration,” from OLDaily in drafts.  Forgetting about drafts happens way too often but could be serendipity this time, pairing up for comparison with Geof Cain’s Brainstorm in Progress post, “MOOCs: Why Do We need Instructional Design?

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Brainstorm in Progress: MOOCs: Why Do We Need Instructional Design?

Brainstorm in Progress: MOOCs: Why Do We Need Instructional Design?:

Geof Cain, Brainstorm in progress, writes, 

Just as we need a new learning theory to account for new modalities in learning, we also need a new framework for instructional design, a rubric for MOOC development.

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