PD Conference Design

It’s no secret that the majority of PD conferences for educators tend to follow a “one size fits all” model that tries to make everyone happy. While fun, these conferences aren’t always the best use of educator time and money, and at least some of us think we can do better.…

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Finding Purpose on #slowchatED

The Purpose Economy

N.B.: This post is duplicated in the #slowchatED blog.

I’m excited to host a #slowchatED discussion on finding purpose within education the week of June 9, since it’s a topic I’ve become very invested over the course of this past year.…

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#etMOOC +1: The Power of People

As we celebrate the first anniversary of #etMOOC*, I am overwhelmed with the stories of growth and sharing and learning.

* For those who hear about how MOOCs are a trend, a fad, a failure or a passing phase, here is the kind of MOOC I am referring to:

#etMOOC connected people.…

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Post ETMOOC -April

So I promised a more analytical response of why etmooc was so valuable as a learning process and here it is. What is interesting is that even though I am no longer in the weekly/biweekly task mode for etmooc, as a post etmooc blog group member our group has maintained that biweekly format, I expect for continuity’s sake.…

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Three Types of Interaction That Foster Student Engagement

This is part three of a three-part series on improving the quality of your online course. Below we explain where and how learner engagement occurs. Part one discussed how learning objectives build a solid foundation ……

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MOOCluhan: Using McLuhan to understand MOOCs [Guzdial]

MOOCluhan: Using McLuhan to understand MOOCs — from computinged.wordpress.com by Mark Guzdial


“Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn’t know the first thing about either.” — Marshall McLuhan

 When I first heard this famous quote from McLuhan, I was insulted. …

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My thoughts on the future of higher education [Christian]

My thoughts on the future of higher education -- March 2013 by Daniel Christian



From DSC:
Though the title of this article I wrote says 10 years, it may be more or less (and given the pace of change, I would lean towards sooner rather than later).  

If you haven’t read Christensen’s/Horn’s/Johnson’s work re: disruption — such as Disrupting Class and/or The Innovator’s Dilemma — it would be worth your time to do so.

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Sharing Our QR Code Scavenger Hunt

A few months ago, I suggested the idea of using the Scan app on our iPod Touches in a post about QR Codes. In the spirit of sharing and being open, let me tell you what transpired with a QR Code Scavenger Hunt experience in a grade 5 classroom.…

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3 Ways to Enrich Your Online Course Discussions

While your LMS discussion tool helps to foster student interaction, you may feel limited by its structure and capabilities. It’s time to bring some variety into the way students interact with you and each other. Here are three ways to cultivate rich, real-life conversations in the discussion area of your online course: 1.…

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Interesting… “Defiance: The first video-game television show” [spectrum.ieee.org]




It’s not unusual for a science fiction television show to spin off a video game. What is unusual is linking the show and the game together on an ongoing basis, with plot elements and characters from each crossing over to the other.…

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