Grading Participation?

Today, I had an unexpected and quite interesting conversation about grades, including how we evaluate participation, and so I wanted to record some ideas here for further discussion. In the past, while teaching both as a TA and in my first few years at the secondary level, I’ve always built a participation component into my overall schema.…

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Finding Purpose on #slowchatED

The Purpose Economy

N.B.: This post is duplicated in the #slowchatED blog.

I’m excited to host a #slowchatED discussion on finding purpose within education the week of June 9, since it’s a topic I’ve become very invested over the course of this past year.…

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Summer Reading and Discussion

Cognitive Surpluss
Now that summer is fast approaching (and since I’m long overdue for a blog post), I’ve been thinking about what sorts of professional development I’l be doing over the next few months. Last summer, I spent a lot of time at conferences, and while it was a fantastically productive period of time, this summer I’m looking forward to doing more reading and reflection on the past year of experimentation.
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