Academic Honesty and Creative Commons

A few years ago in connection to a presentation Samuel was giving, we made a digital booklet of how to find media teachers/students can use without infringing copyright. As I have started working with my students to create media products this year I have wondered how this might look in a lower elementary classroom and what apps/sites can help students use other people’s work honestly.…

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Inquiry Cycles

We are discussing inquiry cycles at school at the moment. We have adopted the Big6 and Super3 school wide for our student Information Seeking Process (ISP) but I think inquiry needs more… more something…

Carol Kuhlthau has a guided inquiry cycle which I really like (I actually started summarising the book before we moved here – pervious post here but know I have bought it on Kindle).…

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FUSE14 and Designing for Engagement

Sometime last fall I stumbled onto design thinking (DT) and was immediately drawn to its grounding in working with and for people. DT, to put it simply, is a process (or, if you prefer, the DT “mindset”) that can be summed up as “people-centered problem solving with a bias toward action.”…

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ISTE2014 and Collaboration

After a week in Atlanta for FUSE14 and ISTE2014, my head is spinning. It was an extraordinary experience, and I learned so much that it’s going to take months to sort it all out. Most of all, it was a invigorating and inspiring to spend quality time in person with so many amazing people (thanks +Dominique Dynes for the picture below!).
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My "Go Bag"

Following +Trey Boden‘s share of his “Go Bag,” or what gear he carries around with him, I’ll share my own gear that I have with me in my DT manpurse, with an eye on FUSE14 and ISTE2014. These are the things I find useful while traveling and/or conferencing:

My Go Bag

Rickshaw Zero Messenger Bag (medium, custom) — Really love these bags.

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Summer Reading and Discussion

Cognitive Surpluss
Now that summer is fast approaching (and since I’m long overdue for a blog post), I’ve been thinking about what sorts of professional development I’l be doing over the next few months. Last summer, I spent a lot of time at conferences, and while it was a fantastically productive period of time, this summer I’m looking forward to doing more reading and reflection on the past year of experimentation.
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What I’m Learning: Fed-Ex Days in your school

While I am more generally familiar with the topic, I really like how this one principal talks about individualized PD for and by her teachers. I also love the last question of this paragraph: “Don’t unique individuals deserve individualized professional development?”…

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Weeks 2 and 3 – Video Games and Learning

Weeks 2 and 3 of the course are now finished. They centred on the deeper subculture that surrounds games, understanding games as structuring identity, and game design. Its all still theoretical but its good to know the lingo if I’m ever talking about it with a gamer/researcher.…

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ISTE 2013 Reflections

I had an amazing experience at the 2013 ISTE conference in San Antonio this past week (June 22-26) and will be reflecting on it for quite some time, I’m sure. It was a different experience than I expected, but one that nonetheless exceeded all my expectations. My …

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HW "Three For All" PD Program

I’ve casually mentioned our “Three For All” program for professional development to a few colleagues from other schools, and based on the questions asked about it, I thought it may be worth sharing to a wider audience.

We’ll be starting our 1:1 laptop program next year in 7th grade, before rolling it out to 7-9 and 7-12 in the next two years, and to better prepare our faculty and staff to use the devices effectively, we contemplated all varieties of PD plans.…

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