FUSE14 and Designing for Engagement

Sometime last fall I stumbled onto design thinking (DT) and was immediately drawn to its grounding in working with and for people. DT, to put it simply, is a process (or, if you prefer, the DT “mindset”) that can be summed up as “people-centered problem solving with a bias toward action.”…

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ISTE2014 and Collaboration

After a week in Atlanta for FUSE14 and ISTE2014, my head is spinning. It was an extraordinary experience, and I learned so much that it’s going to take months to sort it all out. Most of all, it was a invigorating and inspiring to spend quality time in person with so many amazing people (thanks +Dominique Dynes for the picture below!).
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My "Go Bag"

Following +Trey Boden‘s share of his “Go Bag,” or what gear he carries around with him, I’ll share my own gear that I have with me in my DT manpurse, with an eye on FUSE14 and ISTE2014. These are the things I find useful while traveling and/or conferencing:

My Go Bag

Rickshaw Zero Messenger Bag (medium, custom) — Really love these bags.

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