Grading Participation?

Today, I had an unexpected and quite interesting conversation about grades, including how we evaluate participation, and so I wanted to record some ideas here for further discussion. In the past, while teaching both as a TA and in my first few years at the secondary level, I’ve always built a participation component into my overall schema.…

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Gladwell’s David and Goliath and Design Thinking

Malcolm Gladwell’s new book David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants discusses perceived advantages and disadvantages and how appearances may not always be what the seem. The book has been received with some justifiable criticism (e.g. Christopher Chabris’ “The Trouble with Malcolm Gladwell”), but I’ve still found it interesting and thought-provocative for its potential applications in education, as we’re on the cusp of some radical and profound changes.
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