Sharing Your Voice & Digital Storytelling

“To address the most important issue first: there is no such thing as digital storytelling. There’s only storytelling in the digital age. . .Digital is not the difficult part in digital storytelling. Storytelling is.” ~ Jasper Visser

Bella & Jules

After developing and facilitating a digital storytelling exploratory course for middle schoolers for nine years, I am rejoicing in the fact that digital tools have been getting easier and easier to use. 

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Sharing Our QR Code Scavenger Hunt

A few months ago, I suggested the idea of using the Scan app on our iPod Touches in a post about QR Codes. In the spirit of sharing and being open, let me tell you what transpired with a QR Code Scavenger Hunt experience in a grade 5 classroom.…

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Tools for multimedia online introductions – #etmooc video

This week we were asked to introduce ourselves online to the co-participants in #etmooc. The format was left up to us – from a simple text on the blog to a multimedia ‘presentation’.

I decided to go for a multimedia offering.…

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