The future of higher ed according to Richard DeMillo; some thoughts/perspectives worth reflecting on

Traditional institutions will close, number of colleges and universities will rise (audio and transcript) — from (where LLL stands for lifelong learning) by Richard DeMillo | Director of the Center for 21st Century Universities, Georgia Institute of Technology
Excerpt (emphasis DSC):
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Items re: multi-screen media — eventually this trend/convergence enables “Learning from the Living [Class] Room”

PayWizard launches first dedicated payment and subscriber management solution for TV and media industry — from PayWizard


London, 21 February 2013 – PayWizard, specialists in payment and subscription management, has launched the TV and media industry’s first dedicated, end to end payment and subscription solution.…

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How long before we have an OVEE for communities of practice? [Christian]

From DSC:
How long before we have an OVEE for communities of practice?
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Adaptive machine learning for real-time streaming [Microsoft Research]

Adaptive machine learning for real-time streaming [Microsoft Research]


The above item is one of several items to check out at this slideshow from 

Also see:

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Reflections on “Harvard’s plan to dominate higher education” [Uldrich]

Harvard’s plan to dominate higher education – from by Jack Uldrich

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

Critics of online education and MOOCs may delude themselves by thinking  an online course can never offer the same level of intimacy or interaction as a traditional college course but they are missing a key  component of the MOOC movement: analytics.…

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The Professors’ Big Stage [Friedman]

The Professors’ Big Stage – op-ed from the New York Times by Thomas Friedman


I just spent the last two days at a great conference convened by M.I.T. and Harvard on “Online Learning and the Future of Residential Education” — a k a “How can colleges charge $50,000 a year if my kid can learn it all free from massive open online courses?”…

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Reflections on “Apple University hires another high-profile academic” [Elmer-DeWitt]

Apple University hires another high-profile academic – from by Philip Elmer-DeWitt
Berkeley’s Morten Hansen, co-author of Jim Collins’ latest bestseller, joined in January


FORTUNE — Apple University has always been something of a stealth operation. It was created as a kind of in-house MBA program by Steve Jobs, a self-taught business leader who made no secret of his distaste for conventional MBAs.…

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Man o’ man — if IBM’s Watson gets integrated into what MOOCs morph into!

From DSC:
Below are some reflections after seeing these items:



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Your Massively Open Offline College Is Broken [Shirky]

Your Massively Open Offline College Is Broken — by Clay Shirky

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

This is the background to the entire conversation around higher education: Things that can’t last don’t. This is why MOOCs matter. Not because distance learning is some big new thing or because online lectures are a solution to all our problems, but because they’ve come along at a time when students and parents are willing to ask themselves, “Isn’t there some other way to do this?”

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Game-changing reflections re: “College branding: The tipping point” [Dooley]

College branding: The tipping point — from by Roger Dooley


Change is coming to this market. While there are multiple issues of increasing importance to schools, two stand out as major game-changers.


From DSC:
Important notes for the boards throughout higher education to consider:

Your institution can’t increase tuition by one dime next year.

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