Climbing the Story Mountain


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It is no secret that I miss the classroom.  After leaving the classroom 16 months ago I knew I would.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the work I do and the new learning I have been able to do has been amazing.  …

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Digital Adventure Story-5 Slides-5 Artists-2 Stories #etmooc

We’re on our way to 5 adventure stories.

Enjoy our presentation (here’s how we started- Adventure Collaboration ).

Who are we? @gallit_z   @MsLHall   @lindapemik   @mrsdkrebs  @grammasheri

Imagine your own story as you flip through the slides 1-6. On slide seven (7), click one of the links to hear a story from these same slides, but rearranged for each author.…

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My Leadership Journey

One of the topics of #etmooc has been Digital Storytelling.  Telling stories through the use of pictures is a powerful way to share.  One of the Digital Storytelling assignments for #etmooc is to do a Five Card Flickr story.

For this story, you are given 5 photos to choose from.…

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Digital Storytelling as a Morning Meeting Activity

Responsive Classrooms always are looking for morning meeting activities that are fun and energize students for the day. If the students can warm up and use their brains, too, it’s even better! Recently, I learned about Pechaflickr from Alan Levine‘s #ETMOOC session: Web Storytelling: 50 Ways, 5-Card Flickr & Pecha Flickr.…

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Knowledge? #etmooc

A little note: “… Increasingly, people … have to use higher thinking skills (and less lower skills  like ?Knowledge?). … “

Lower thinking skills are now needed more than ever. Knowledge of the use of media, knowledge of language, it is  necessary knowledge. …

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Five Card Story

Five Card Story: Willpower

a #etmooc story created by mssanderson_ITS

flickr photo by ncaramanico

flickr photo by Henriksent

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

flickr photo by cogdogblog

Mmmmmmm… yum.

Can’t I just have one? Or twenty?

I’ll need to wear out my sneakers to work that off.…

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Verhaal digitaal vertellen #etmooc Digital Story telling

den haag centraalChevin writes … Its almost as if I’m putting together a story board, right.  A nice little screenplay or something, correct? …   She is right, digital storytelling starts with a story board with some  pictures.  Make a story when the pictures are there. 

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Digital Storytelling – What Is It?

I thought I was on information over-load after the first three weeks of the etMOOC (Massive Open Online Course) I signed up for.  Last weekend, we were introduced to our new topic: Digital Storytelling.  I have been to workshops before on Digital Storytelling, actually even created some of my own “stories” using Movie Maker, so I thought this week would be easier.…

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