Five Card Story

Five Card Story: Willpower

a #etmooc story created by mssanderson_ITS

flickr photo by ncaramanico

flickr photo by Henriksent

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

flickr photo by cogdogblog

Mmmmmmm… yum.

Can’t I just have one? Or twenty?

I’ll need to wear out my sneakers to work that off.

“Blahhh…Go ahead, we eat anything and we’re fine!”

Fruit substitute: the healthier choice.


Are you ready to play Five Card flickr? Give it a try yourself.

The above story was my first attempt (as a part of #ETMOOC). Picture prompts are not a new concept, but the set up of this tool allows for some wonderful creative thinking. This is a great example of technology integration to meet a writing objective.

Learn more about Five Card flickr. Thanks to Alan Levine for sharing this tool.