Visualizing New Ways to Solve Social Problems

The graphic below is from this animation, created by interns from IIT in Chicago during 2008-09 internships. The goal was to share the vision and four-part strategy piloted by the Tutor/Mentor Connection (T/MC) since it was launched in 1993.

Since 2005 a number of interns have worked with T/MC.…

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Knowledge vs. Understanding

“Once u have a rigid way of thinking in your head, sometimes you cannot change that, even if u want to.” This is relevant to so much of what we do with professional learning, change, policy, education, etc.

This video is definitely worth a watch.…

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Why our schools are NOT failing your children

This morning I read this article by recent graduate Johanna O’Farrell in The Age.  Of course any article which opens with “Why your schools are failing your children: a teacher tells” piqued my interest.  I have always advocated for teachers telling their stories in our media rather than politicians but this one had my heart rate rising as she spoke of schools tossing aside “any sort of rigour, routine or repetition when it comes to classroom learning.”…

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Assessing Complex Systems and Sonnet 73

As my own views about education continue to emerge, I understand them best within the context of the conversation about complexity—complexity as a large, transdisciplinary conversation that has been emerging for centuries, but that was made unavoidable by the emergence of relativity and quantum physics at the beginning of the 20th century.…

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MOOCs, Transdisciplinarity, and Thinking Big

In his 2004 Phi Beta Kappan essay entitled Thinking Big: A Conceptual Framework for the Study of Everything, self-described contrarian educator Marion Brady writes that “the main task of educating is to help students make more sense of the world, themselves, and others” (p.…

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MOOCs "Not a Course. It’s a Collaboration"

Terry Elliot, one of the participants in the Making Learning Connected MOOC #CLMOOC that started a couple of weeks ago posted an article today showing some of the people he’s connected with, including me. In the article he included a line saying “This is not a course, it is a collaboration.”…

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Knowledge? #etmooc

A little note: “… Increasingly, people … have to use higher thinking skills (and less lower skills  like ?Knowledge?). … “

Lower thinking skills are now needed more than ever. Knowledge of the use of media, knowledge of language, it is  necessary knowledge. …

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Writer’s Jam

It happened, writer’s block, or maybe I should call it writer’s jam because that might be a better description. Like this image, I have numerous connected learning logs trying to squeeze through into one coherent, flowing post but nothing is getting through.…

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Misadventures in Connected Learning … But That’s Not All!

Before this second week of #etmooc “Connected Learning” slips by, I wanted to write a post reflecting a bit on the prompt: ”Is it possible for our classrooms to support this kind of (connected) learning? If so, how?

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Expanding, Sustaining Funding – New Thinking Needed

I’ve been part of an Education Technology MOOC (#ETMOOC) this week where more than 1000 people from around the world are connecting on-line and sharing ideas about uses of technology in education, learning, media and network building.

I’ve been trying for the past 20 years to build this type of learning community, connecting all of those who are concerned with the gap between rich and poor in America, the education system, workforce diversity, social justice, violence, public health, and a number of other reasons to be involved.…

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