Knowledge? #etmooc

A little note: “… Increasingly, people … have to use higher thinking skills (and less lower skills  like ?Knowledge?). … “

Lower thinking skills are now needed more than ever. Knowledge of the use of media, knowledge of language, it is  necessary knowledge. …

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Verhaal digitaal vertellen #etmooc Digital Story telling

den haag centraalChevin writes … Its almost as if I’m putting together a story board, right.  A nice little screenplay or something, correct? …   She is right, digital storytelling starts with a story board with some  pictures.  Make a story when the pictures are there. 

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Storytelling #etmooc een verhaal vertellen

Geef een groepje van 5-7 leerlingen een paar foto’s en vraag of ze er een verhaal bij willen maken. Vrij te gebruiken foto’s op

Give a 5-7 students some photo’s and ask them to make a story about the photo’s.…

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#etmooc tweetstory

Tweetstory is a story that fits in a tweet (less than 120 signs).
A tweetstory is something like a six word story, with more words.

Een tweetverhaal is een verhaal dat past in een tweet (minder dan 120 tekens). Het is een vervolg op het zeswoordenverhaal.

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#etmooc and digital divide

beggarIn my opinion study in #etmooc does not widen the digital divide.
“… Many people argue that the digital divide unfairly equips wealthy citizen and their children with more information and opportunities than those with lower incomes. In addition, there is a big debate around the world whether technology has benefited society and how it will affect society in the future.…

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Like the blogpost of Whitney Kilgore about connectivism and constructivism. Maybe her emphasis on connections is an answer to SuiFaJohnMak. “Study blogging in decline as social media takes over”. Blogging should be connecting and sharing. Do all bloggers share and comment?…

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