Reflections of my #ETMOOC experience

In January last year, I signed up for an unforgettable experience with the Educational Technology & Media Massive Open Online Course, or ETMOOC for short. I deliberately use the word ‘unforgettable’ because, 12 months later, ETMOOC is still in my life through Google + and my personal learning network on Twitter.…

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Hangin’ Out Google Style

Communicating with a global audience has never been easier with the plethora of social media tools at our disposal. One such tool is Google Hangouts. Google Hangouts is an instant messaging and video chat service that can be accessed via a computer or mobile device.

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#etmchat 6 Word Story

One of our final tasks for #etmooc is to create a 6 word story prior to #etmchat on the 27th March. The topic is:
“What does it mean to be an educator and digital citizen? What is our special role?”
I won’t be able to be part of the chat but have made a story anyway using haiku deck.

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Honk if you love life!

Our Inquiry and RE units this term have focussed on the concepts of community and our place within the community. It has been a rich and diverse unit and we are now at the stage of expressing our learnings about what community is and how it can be built.

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Adventure School

Mt. Fuji
this photo are available for download under a Creative Commons license
Retrieved from Flickr and born1945


“We are the stories we tell.” – Darren Kuropatwa

“The truth about stories is that’s all we are.” – Thomas King

The job I had before I got back into teaching elementary school was with a Japanese Company called FIA in a program called Adventure School. …

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Here Goes Something … I guess

For well over a year now, my professional goal has been to expand my interaction with the global teaching community.  As you can well imagine, the benefits of developing a supportive and passionate Professional Learning Network (PLN) have been very inspiring and thought-provoking.

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Connected to who, or what?

Having participated in two more ETMOOC sessions this week, the conversation has returned often to the notion of  ’connected learning’. We have talked about Personal Learning Networks, the place of social media, how much sharing is too much and accountability vs responsibility.

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Like the blogpost of Whitney Kilgore about connectivism and constructivism. Maybe her emphasis on connections is an answer to SuiFaJohnMak. “Study blogging in decline as social media takes over”. Blogging should be connecting and sharing. Do all bloggers share and comment?…

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